Tic-Tac-Toe-4x4-Inversed is a game created for the purposes of an AI subject at university. The user selects their move through a GUI, while the computer selects its move based on the minimax algorithm.
Game is created as a Spring Boot application with a REST API and a simple GUI client created with HTML, CSS , Bootstrap and JavaScript.
The rules are similar to the standard Tic-Tac-Toe game with the difference that both players place X's and the loser is the one who places 4 X's in a line.
The game ends when either the player or the computer wins
- Clone the repository
- Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA
- Run the main method in the 'TicTacToe4x4InversedApplication' class
- The GUI should open in your browser and you can start playing, if it doesn't open automatically, go to http://localhost:8080/gameUI.html
- Run the application, open the GUI in your browser
- Select who goes first, if you select Computer, you need to wait a bit for the computer to make its first move
- Select the field you want to place your X in
- Wait for the computer to make its move
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the game ends
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3
- JavaScript