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Manual Install

Mahdy Mirzade edited this page May 16, 2021 · 4 revisions

These are the instructions for manual installation.

Step 1: Update databases

You should be sure that your package databases are up-to-date:

$ pacman -Sy

Step 2: Install requirements

This command is for installing all requirements in arch linux:

$ pacman -S git vim xorg lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter \
i3-gaps dmenu scrot nitrogen rofi dunst sbxkb \
picom kitty zsh qutebrowser \
mpv mpd youtube-dl xarchiver \
thunar gvfs thunar-archive-plugin \
thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-volman \
pulseaudio pavucontrol \
networkmanager network-manager-applet \
noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk \
noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra pango \
ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation ttf-hack

Step 3: Clone this repository

Clone this repo and start setting up configurations:

$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ ./ c full

Step 4: Enable services using systemd

Enable NetworkManager, LightDM (GUI):

$ systemctl enable lightdm
$ systemctl enable NetworkManager

Step 4.1: Start services

Start GUI, NetworkManager - Without Reboot:

$ systemctl start lightdm
$ systemctl start NetworkManager

Step 4.2: Start audio-server daemon

Start Audio Server - Without Reboot:

$ pulseaudio --start

Step 5: You're Done

Now that you've finished take some rest.
I highly suggest you to take a moment and star this project It's so fun to do :)