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Mahdy Mirzade edited this page May 16, 2021 · 3 revisions
Kitty Gif

Kitty - the fast, featureful, GPU based terminal emulator


Using Pacman

$ pacman -S kitty


$ ./ i kitty


If you used pacman:

$ ./ c kitty

If you used

No need for extra config, it will install config files within the last command.



Key Functionality
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy to Clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste from Clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + S Paste from Selection


Key Functionality
Ctrl + Shift + up/k Scroll a Line Up
Ctrl + Shift + dn/j Scroll a Line Down
Ctrl + Shift + Home Scroll to Top
Ctrl + Shift + End Scroll to Bottom
Ctrl + Shift + H Browse scrollback buffer in less

Window Management

Key Functionality
Ctrl + Shift + Enter New in-app Window
Ctrl + Shift + N New Window
Ctrl + Shift + W Close Window
Ctrl + Shift + ] Next Window
Ctrl + Shift + [ Prev Window
Ctrl + Shift + F Move Window - Forward
Ctrl + Shift + B Move Window - Backward
Ctrl + Shift + R Resizing Mode
Ctrl + Shift + 1-9 Switch to Window 1-9

Tab Management

Key Functionality
Ctrl + Shift + T New Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Q Close Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Right Next Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Left Prev Tab
Ctrl + Shift + . Move Tab - Forward
Ctrl + Shift + , Move Tab - Backward
Ctrl + Alt + 1-9 Switch to Tab 1-9

Font sizes

Key Functionality
Ctrl + Shift + [+] Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + [-] Decrease font size
Ctrl + Shift + BackSpace Reset font size


Main Configuration of Kitty Terminal.

Appearance - Background Opacity & Padding:

background_opacity 0.85
window_padding_width 4

Font Settings:

font_family      Hack
bold_font        Hack Bold
italic_font      Hack Italic
font_size 8.0

Extra - Max history lines & Bell tone:

scrollback_lines 4096
enable_audio_bell no

Extra - Remove spaces at the end of lines while copying to clipboard:

strip_trailing_spaces smart

Color settings:

Selected Text Color - Foreground & Background:

selection_foreground #161520
selection_background #ebece6

Main Text Colors - Foreground & Background:

foreground #ebece6
background #161520

Black Colors:

color0 #29282f
color8 #63626a

Red Colors:

color1 #bf3032
color9 #fa3e48

Green Colors:

color2  #30bf54
color10 #50fa7b

Yellow Colors:

color3  #b1bf30
color11 #d7e267

Blue Colors:

color4  #303ebf
color12 #4665da

Magneta Colors:

color5  #aa30bf
color13 #bc43d2

Cyan Colors:

color6  #30a7bf
color14 #67c6da

White Colors:

color7  #bfbfb8
color15 #ebece6