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This repository contains all assignments of undergraduation courses.

  1. Computer Security Sessional, 4-1

    • Port Scanner (SYN-Scanning, full TCP-Scanning)
    • Buffer Overflow Practice
    • Ciphers
  2. Computer Graphics Sessional, 4-1

    • Offline 1: Fully Controllable Camera, Sphere-to-Cube, Wheel
    • Offline 2: Modelling, View and Projection Transformation using Matrices
    • Offline 3: Ray Tracing
  3. High Performance Database (Reports/Reviews), 4-1

    • LSTM Survey paper review
    • Monkey paper review
  4. Networking Sessional, 3-2

    • DVR routing protocol simulation in C
    • Network Models Simulation using NS2
    • Reliable Data Transfer (RDT) simulation in C
    • Java Server using Sockets to handle GET and POST requests
  5. Operating System Sessional, 3-2

    • Offline 1: Basics of Shell Scripts
    • Offline 2: Inter Process Communication (IPC) using Queues
    • Offline 3: Implementation of Sockets in xv-6 operating system
    • Offline 4: Implementation of FIFO and Second-Chance paging algorithms in xv-6 operating system
  6. Compiler Sessional, 3-1

    • Offline 1: Symbol Table Generation and Management
    • Offline 2: Lexical Analysis using Flex
    • Offline 3: Syntactic Analysis using Bison
    • Offline 4: Intermediate Code Generation to 8086 (assembly code) with various optimizations, such as:
      • NOP removal
      • Efficient usage of temporary variables
      • Faster multiplication/division by 2 using shift operations.
      • Removal of consecutive same operations
  7. Assembly, 3-1

    • Bubble Sort in Assembly Language
  8. Software Engineering Sessional Design Patterns, 3-1

    • Offline 1: Factory and Builder Patterns
    • Offline 2: State and Observer Patterns
  9. Numerical Analysis using MATLAB, 2-1

    • False-Position Secant-Method
    • Function Estimations using midpoints
    • Gauss Siedel LU Decomposition
    • Matrix Reduction
    • Newton Raphson Maximization
  10. C Programming Sessional IGraphics, 1-1

    • Digital Clock
    • Snakes Game
  11. Others

    • Branch and Bound simulation in C