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Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel 5 with rtl support


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Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel 5

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This package provides an easy way to quickly set up AdminLTE with Laravel 5. It has no requirements and dependencies besides Laravel, so you can start building your admin panel immediately. The package just provides a Blade template that you can extend and advanced menu configuration possibilities. A replacement for the make:auth Artisan command that uses AdminLTE styled views instead of the default Laravel ones is also included.

  1. Installation
  2. Updating
  3. Usage
  4. The make:adminlte artisan command
    1. Using the authentication views without the make:adminlte command
  5. Configuration
    1. Menu
    1. Plugins
  6. Translations
  7. Customize views
  8. Issues, Questions and Pull Requests

1. Installation

  1. Require the package using composer:

    composer require acharsoft/laravel-adminlte-rtl
  2. Add the service provider to the providers in config/app.php:

    Laravel 5.5 uses Package Auto-Discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider

  3. Publish the public assets:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\ServiceProvider" --tag=assets

2. Updating

  1. To update this package, first update the composer package:

    composer update acharsoft/laravel-adminlte-rtl
  2. Then, publish the public assets with the --force flag to overwrite existing files

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\ServiceProvider" --tag=assets --force

3. Usage

To use the template, create a blade file and extend the layout with @extends('adminlte::page'). This template yields the following sections:

  • title: for in the <title> tag
  • content_header: title of the page, above the content
  • content: all of the page's content
  • css: extra stylesheets (located in <head>)
  • js: extra javascript (just before </body>)

All sections are in fact optional. Your blade template could look like the following.

{{-- resources/views/admin/dashboard.blade.php --}}


@section('title', 'Dashboard')


    <p>Welcome to this beautiful admin panel.</p>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/admin_custom.css">

    <script> console.log('Hi!'); </script>

Note that in Laravel 5.2 or higher you can also use @stack directive for css and javascript:

{{-- resources/views/admin/dashboard.blade.php --}}



You now just return this view from your controller, as usual. Check out AdminLTE to find out how to build beautiful content for your admin panel.

4. The make:adminlte artisan command

Note: only for Laravel 5.2 and higher

This package ships with a make:adminlte command that behaves exactly like make:auth (introduced in Laravel 5.2) but replaces the authentication views with AdminLTE style views.

php artisan make:adminlte

This command should be used on fresh applications, just like the make:auth command

4.1 Using the authentication views without the make:adminlte command

If you want to use the included authentication related views manually, you can create the following files and only add one line to each file:

  • resources/views/auth/login.blade.php:
  • resources/views/auth/register.blade.php
  • resources/views/auth/passwords/email.blade.php
  • resources/views/auth/passwords/reset.blade.php

By default, the login form contains a link to the registration form. If you don't want a registration form, set the register_url setting to null and the link will not be displayed.

5. Configuration

First, publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\ServiceProvider" --tag=config
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Yadahan\AuthenticationLog\AuthenticationLogServiceProvider"

Now, edit config/adminlte.php to configure the title, skin, menu, URLs etc. All configuration options are explained in the comments. However, I want to shed some light on the menu configuration.

5.0 Migrations

First, publish the migration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\ServiceProvider" --tag=migrations

Now, you run this command.

php artisan migrate

Finally, add the AuthenticationLogable and Notifiable traits to your authenticatable model (by default, App\User model). These traits provides various methods to allow you to get common authentication log data, such as last login time, last login IP address, and set the channels to notify the user when login from a new device:

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Yadahan\AuthenticationLog\AuthenticationLogable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Notifiable, AuthenticationLogable;

5.1 Menu

You can configure your menu as follows:

'menu' => [
        'text' => 'Blog',
        'url' => 'admin/blog',
        'text' => 'Pages',
        'url' => 'admin/pages',
        'icon' => 'file'
        'text' => 'Show my website',
        'url' => '/',
        'target' => '_blank'
        'text' => 'Profile',
        'route' => 'admin.profile',
        'icon' => 'user'
        'text' => 'Change Password',
        'route' => 'admin.password',
        'icon' => 'lock'

With a single string, you specify a menu header item to separate the items. With an array, you specify a menu item. text and url or route are required attributes. The icon is optional, you get an open circle if you leave it out. The available icons that you can use are those from Font Awesome. Just specify the name of the icon and it will appear in front of your menu item.

Use the can option if you want conditionally show the menu item. This integrates with Laravel's Gate functionality. If you need to conditionally show headers as well, you need to wrap it in an array like other menu items, using the header option:

        'header' => 'BLOG',
        'can' => 'manage-blog'
        'text' => 'Add new post',
        'url' => 'admin/blog/new',
        'can' => 'add-blog-post'

Use the permission option if you want conditionally show the menu item. If you need to conditionally show headers as well, you need to wrap it in an array like other menu items, using the header option:

        'header' => 'BLOG',
        'can' => 'manage-blog'
        'text' => 'Add new post',
        'url' => 'admin/blog/new',
        'permission' => ['admin']
            'text' => 'Add new comment',
            'url' => 'admin/blog/new/comment',
            'permission' => ['admin','master','user']

Custom Menu Filters

If you need custom filters, you can easily add your own menu filters to this package. This can be useful when you are using a third-party package for authorization (instead of Laravel's Gate functionality).

For example with Laratrust:


namespace MyApp;

use acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Builder;
use acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\FilterInterface;
use Laratrust;

class MyMenuFilter implements FilterInterface
    public function transform($item, Builder $builder)
        if (isset($item['permission']) && ! Laratrust::can($item['permission'])) {
            return false;

        return $item;

And then add to config/adminlte.php:

'filters' => [
    //acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\GateFilter::class, Comment this line out

Menu configuration at runtime

It is also possible to configure the menu at runtime, e.g. in the boot of any service provider. Use this if your menu is not static, for example when it depends on your database or the locale. It is also possible to combine both approaches. The menus will simply be concatenated and the order of service providers determines the order in the menu.

To configure the menu at runtime, register a handler or callback for the MenuBuilding event, for example in the boot() method of a service provider:

use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher;
use acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\Events\BuildingMenu;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

    public function boot(Dispatcher $events)
        $events->listen(BuildingMenu::class, function (BuildingMenu $event) {
            $event->menu->add('MAIN NAVIGATION');
                'text' => 'Blog',
                'url' => 'admin/blog',


The configuration options are the same as in the static configuration files.

A more practical example that actually uses translations and the database:

    public function boot(Dispatcher $events)
        $events->listen(BuildingMenu::class, function (BuildingMenu $event) {

            $items = Page::all()->map(function (Page $page) {
                return [
                    'text' => $page['title'],
                    'url' => route('admin.pages.edit', $page)


This event-based approach is used to make sure that your code that builds the menu runs only when the admin panel is actually displayed and not on every request.

Active menu items

By default, a menu item is considered active if any of the following holds:

  • The current path matches the url parameter
  • The current path is a sub-path of the url parameter
  • If it has a submenu containing an active menu item

To override this behavior, you can specify an active parameter with an array of active URLs, asterisks and regular expressions are supported. Example:

    'text' => 'Pages'
    'url' => 'pages',
    'active' => ['pages', 'content', 'content/*']

5.2 Plugins

Custum Blade @links and @scripts

Use the plugins_js and plugins_css option if you want to add your plugins.

'plugins_js' => [
        'pace'    => 'plugins/pace/pace.min.js',
'plugins_css' => [
        'pace'    => 'plugins/pace/pace.min.css',

It is also possible to configure the Blade. in the boot of any service provider.

To configure the @links and @scripts for example in the boot() method of a service provider:

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

    public function boot()
        Blade::directive('links',function ($expression){
                    return "<?php  echo '<link rel=\'stylesheet\' href=\''.asset(config ('adminlte.plugins_css.'.$expression)).'\'>'; ?>";
        Blade::directive('scripts',function ($expression){
                    return "<?php  echo '<script src=\''.asset(config ('adminlte.plugins_js.'.$expression)).'\'></script>'; ?>";
        Blade::directive('langs',function ($expression){
                    return "<?php  echo __('adminlte::adminlte.'.$expression); ?>";


after this run this command

php artisan view:clear

in views just use @links('pace') to add this tag:

<link rel='stylesheet' href='http://localhost:8000/vendor/adminlte/plugins/pace/pace.min.css'>

or in your scripts just @scripts('pace')

if you want to use translate just use @langs('your_message')

6. Translations

At the moment, English, German, French, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish translations are available out of the box. Just specifiy the language in config/app.php. If you need to modify the texts or add other languages, you can publish the language files:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\ServiceProvider" --tag=translations

Now, you can edit translations or add languages in resources/lang/vendor/adminlte.

if you want to use this in your menu items just uncomment this line


in your menu filters

7. Customize views

If you need full control over the provided views, you can publish them:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="acharsoft\LaravelAdminLte\ServiceProvider" --tag=views

Now, you can edit the views in resources/views/vendor/adminlte.

7.1 Google Login

Install socialite using composer. Socialite is an official Laravel package documented here.

Add credentials to config/services.php. Socialite supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, GitHub and Bitbucket. Other providers require packages from the community, which are all listed here.

These providers follow the OAuth 2.0 spec and therefore require a client_id, client_secret and redirect url. We’ll obtain these in the next step! First, add the values to the config file because socialite will be looking for them when we ask it to.

'google' => [
    'client_id'     => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'),
    'client_secret' => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'),
    'redirect'      => env('GOOGLE_REDIRECT')

Since we added a new package, make sure to add to the service providers array in config/app.php:

* Package Service Providers...

Service Providers are the central place for application bootstrapping. The above line let’s Laravel to know to make the Socialite available for use.

Add an alias to Socialite so it is easier to reference later, also in config/app.php file:

'aliases' => [
    // ...
    'Socialite' => Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite::class,

A modal will pop up with your apps client id and client secret. Add these values to your .env file.

Enable the Google+ API: (This tells Google what services our application is going to use ie Google+ account login)

Update here January 2019: The Google+ API is being deprecated this March. The Laravel Socialite project latest release has been updated to not use the Google+ API so the above step is not necessary.

Head into routes/web.php and add endpoints for redirect and callback:

Route::get('/redirect', 'Auth\LoginController@redirectToProvider');
Route::get('/callback', 'Auth\LoginController@handleProviderCallback');

The first method will show the Google authentication page in the same window where the user is viewing your webpage (no annoying popups):

  * Redirect the user to the Google authentication page.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function redirectToProvider()
    return Socialite::driver('google')->redirect();

The next method will handle after a successful Google authentication:

     * Obtain the user information from Google.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function handleProviderCallback()
        try {
            $user = Socialite::driver('google')->user();
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return redirect('/login');
        // only allow people with to login
        if(explode("@", $user->email)[1] !== ''){
            return redirect()->to('/');
        // check if they're an existing user
        $existingUser = User::where('email', $user->email)->first();
            // log them in
            auth()->login($existingUser, true);
        } else {
            // create a new user
            $newUser                  = new User;
            $newUser->name            = $user->name;
            $newUser->email           = $user->email;
            $newUser->google_id       = $user->id;
            $newUser->avatar          = $user->avatar;
            $newUser->avatar_original = $user->avatar_original;
            auth()->login($newUser, true);
        return redirect()->to('/home');

8. RTL Support

For rtl supported you can change your locale to 'fa' or 'ar' in congig/app.php in other languages the template is ltr .

9. Issues, Questions and Pull Requests

You can report issues and ask questions in the issues section. Please start your issue with ISSUE: and your question with QUESTION:

If you have a question, check the closed issues first. Over time, I've been able to answer quite a few.

To submit a Pull Request, please fork this repository, create a new branch and commit your new/updated code in there. Then open a Pull Request from your new branch. Refer to this guide for more info.


Easy AdminLTE integration with Laravel 5 with rtl support







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