Smart contracts utilities for the Onyx app and server.
yarn add onyx-contracts
import createContracts from 'onyx-contracts'
const contracts = createContracts('TESTNET') // 'MAINNET' by default when not provided
The contracts
Object contains the following properties:
getResolverAddress: (nameHash: string) => Promise<string>
getHashAddress: (contractAddress: string, nameHash: string) => Promise<string>
resolveHash: (nameHash: string) => Promise<string>
resolveName: (ensName: string) => Promise<string>
hasStake: (contractAddress: string, walletAddress: string) => Promise<boolean>
requiredStake: (contractAddress: string) => Promise<number>
getStakingContractAddress: () => Promise<string>
getRequiredStake: () => Promise<number>
walletHasStake: (walletAddress: string) => Promise<boolean>
See LICENSE file.