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A CLI for zipping files with Archiver based on glob patterns with minimal setup

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A command line utility for archiving and recovering files. Features guided menus via prompts, glob pattern matching via picomatch, loading and saving of configuration files, and some useful methods for extracting archived files.

This script mostly uses the tar package to read, write, and extract .tgz archives. It's meant to be a kind of project backup manager and recovery tool.


The package can be installed globally.

npm install -g zipadeedoodah


The utility can be invoked with the npx command. If no extra arguments are given, then the script will launch into a series of menus.

npx zipadeedoodah

A variety of arguments can be passed to the script:

-h  display helpful information
-f  load a configuration file
-a  archive directory location
-o  output filename pattern
-i  one or more include patterns
-x  one or more exclude patterns
-t  timestamp format
-c  only prompt for comment
-p  full menu prompts
-m  launch menu prompts without overriding options
-s  save configuration to a file or overwrite a loaded file

Default Options

The following represents the default configuration options in javascript object notation:

  "output": "../<cwd>_<timestamp>",
  "include": [
  "exclude": [],
  "archive_directory": "../",
  "timestamp_format": "yyyy-LL-dd_HH-mm-ss_ZZZ",
  "comment": false,
  "prompt": false

Option Descriptions

output: ../<cwd>_<timestamp> This basically means that the output archive will be saved in the parent directory. The <cwd> tag will be replaced with the "current working directory" name. There's another tag, <version>, which can place your project's version number, too. The <timestamp> tag will be replaced with a given timestamp pattern. Archives are saved as .tgz files, or "g-zipped tarballs" which has some decent compression and archives fairly quickly.

include: ["**/*"] Multiple patterns can be accepted. By default, it uses the pattern **/* which means "everything in all directories" - which is actually different than a single star pattern * which would only get everything in the base directory. The script will not include files inside of folders recursively by default, so an appropriate globstar pattern is needed to archive files within subdirectories. The script uses picomatch for include and exclude patterns. For example, a pattern **/*.png would include any .png file in any folder.

exclude: [] There are no exclusion patterns by default, so this property starts as an empty array. The menus can help add filepaths and patterns to this array. To exclude a folder and everything within it, use a globstar pattern - for example, to exclude a project's node_modules folder, use the pattern node_modules/** or, to exclude all node_modules folders and their contents in the entire folder structure, use **/node_modules/**.

archive_directory: ../ This option is only used with the recovery method given in this script - the recovery script will look at this relative location for archives, which are presumed to be archives of the current project directory. By default, it is set to the parent directory, as represented by the pattern ../. Changing this to a different directory like ../_archive/ can be useful for keeping other projects more organized. Note that this input needs to end with a slash and must represent an existing directory.

timestamp_format: yyyy-LL-dd_HH-mm-ss_ZZZ This is a custom format that uses standard luxon tokens to construct a timestamp that gets inserted in the output filename.

comment: false If this property is set to true, the script will prompt for a comment and append it to the output filename.

prompt: false When set to true, the script will launch into the full menu prompts. By default, it will not launch these menus - but only if there are also other runtime arguments given.


Make an archive in the parent directory that consists of all the files in the current folder except the following folders and their contents: node_modules, dist, and .git. Because this script often needs to use globstar patterns, make sure that any argument value that contains them is wrapped with quotes. Otherwise, node will actually pass a whole directory list into the argument.

npx zipadeedoodah -x "node_modules/**" -x "dist/**" -x ".git/**" -c

Given a valid configuration file zip.json in the current directory, create an archive according to its contents:

npx zipadeedoodah -f ./zip.json

Using the same file, also override the comment prompt option to ensure the script prompts for a comment:

npx zipadeedoodah -f ./zip.json -c

Instead of passing the -p argument to launch into the menu prompts, the -m argument can be passed to launch into the menus without changing any configuration options. This can be relevant for when you'd rather save or edit configuration files.

In addition, the -s flag can save a configuration out to a file directly instead of using the menus. This allows a configuration file to be defined and saved with a single command. Even an existing configuration file can be read and have some of its properties overwritten. If a file has already been loaded, then passing the -s flag will save it in the same place.

The following command loads a configuration file ./zip.json, sets the comment flag to true, then saves it in the same location.

npx zipadeedoodah -f ./zip.json -c -s


The script will look in a directory specified in the archive_directory property and display a list of any .tgz archive files within it. Selecting one will open another menu with a variety of available methods. In general, the "Extract" methods will only extract files from the archive into the current directory. The "Restore" methods will try to mirror the file and folder structure within the archive by deleting project files in the current directory that don't exist in similar locations within the archive. The "Newer" methods will only copy newer files from the archive and the "Some" methods offer a multiline autocomplete selection prompt for selecting only "some" files and folders to extract or restore.

Loaded configuration settings are still relevant when using the "Restore" methods. Exclusion patterns will still be applied - this prevents files and folders that were (presumably) ignored when creating the archive from being deleted in the project as the script restores the file structure from the archive.

Extract: Copies files from the archive into the current directory. Similar files will be overwritten in the current directory.

Extract Newer: Extracts all newer files into the current project directory. Can be useful when migrating a project from one machine to another or for recovering deleted files without damaging newer files.

Extract Some: A multiline autocomplete selection prompt to help select some files to extract.

Extract Some Newer: A multiline autocomplete selection prompt to extract only newer files.

Restore: Extracts all files in the archive into the current directory, but also deletes any files within the current directory that do not exist within the archive. Useful for "restoring" a project completely. Extracted files will overwrite similar files in the current directory.

Restore Newer: Extracts all newer files and also deletes project files not present in the archive.

Restore Some: A multiline autocomplete selection prompt to extract files and also delete project files not present in the archive - but only if a directory was selected for extraction. So, if any folder is selected for extraction, then all the files within that folder inside the archive will be extracted and any files within the project folder that do not exist within the archived folder will be deleted.

Restore Some Newer: A multiline autocomplete selection prompt to extract only newer files and also delete project files not present in similar paths within the archive.

Delete: deletes the selected archive.


A CLI for zipping files with Archiver based on glob patterns with minimal setup






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