Python script which plots the ACQCENT (Measured) and ACQPREF (Desired) target position using the raw FITS files of ACQ/IMAGE type target acquisition from the COS/HST (Cosmic Origin Spectrograph / Hubble Space Telescope).
The script takes the name of the FITS file as a command line argument.
$ python your_fits_file_rawacq.fits
To run the script on all the files in a folder, use the following shell script inside that folder
$ for f in *; do python $f; done
Or you can use "" to run plots the fits files in a directory. It takes the Directory name as a command line argument and outputs the plots as the location same as the python script
$ python your_dir_name
There are 4 combinations of the acquisition imaging modes. Those can be determined using the header keywords “EXPTYPE”, “APERTURE”, and “OPT_ELEM”. Example files for each of these modes are:
(exptype) (aperture) (opt_elem) : (filename)
ACQ/IMAGE PSA MIRRORA: ldqhpbhwq_rawacq.fits
ACQ/IMAGE PSA MIRRORB: ldvsbaymq_rawacq.fits
ACQ/IMAGE BOA MIRRORA: ldcv22wnq_rawacq.fits
ACQ/IMAGE BOA MIRRORB: ldcv03fyq_rawacq.fits
This is part of my summer project the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), Baltimore as a SASP'19 intern. STScI is the science operations center for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). It is operated for NASA by AURA.