Don't use this shader (or any of my shaders), in any capacity, if you aren't going to credit me for my work. That includes referencing the code or even copy/paste-ing it into another shader.
-- Project diva F2nd like shader for MMD --
MMD shader written to replicate the look of Project diva F2nd
Written in HLSL, requires at least shader model 3.0
How to use :
- Load the models you need in MMD
- Load f2nd.x
- Load Controller.pmx (its in the same folder as f2nd.x
- In the tab called "mainShader", subset extract and load nose.fx on the nose material
- In the tab called "glowShader", load glowON.fx on the material you want to glow
How set up model :
- Load the model in PMX editor and put the Specular texture in the SPA slot.
- Put the Curve texture in the toon slot
The controller has sliders for increasing/decreasing the gamma, decreasing the saturation, and increasing/decreasing the glow as well as sliders for controlling the materials stuff. A note, the saturation slider can also be used to increase the saturation by writing in a negative number.