Spell words with chemical symbols.
When a word cannot be spelt with chemical symbols, some suggestions that either add a letter to the word or remove a letter from it are provided:
You can then choose the one that you feel is closest to the desired word:
Sometimes there are more than one way to spell the same word:
Simply copy the url after you have your word spelt.
This website is made with Vue.js.
You can use the website via https://mapioi.github.io/chemone/.
To run the website locally, you need to have Node.js installed.
First, clone this repo:
# ... cd to desired location
git clone https://github.com/Mapioi/chemone
cd chemone
Next, install dependencies:
npm install
# OR for yarn users
yarn install
Then, start the website locally:
npm run serve
# OR
yarn run serve
You might prefer to use Vue CLI:
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
vue ui
- The name of this project was originally intended to be
, pronounced as c'mon, just to show the developers' frustration with javascript and css. - The
was added because another java project with the same name was found on github (which was supposed to meanchem on
). - 1 entire hour is spent to center things.
- Due to technical difficulties, there are many words that remain to be not spellable - my name, "Jingjie" for example.
- By the way, this project is of no real use at all, if you are wondering.