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@Maplespe Maplespe released this 26 Apr 13:37
· 56 commits to master since this release


增加了新AeroBackdrop的GUI设置选项 #234
增加了动画效果开关,以及动画效果时长的设置选项 #96
增加了使用系统主题色覆盖DWMBlurGlass的RGB颜色的选项 #86
增加了节电模式效果,如果系统处于节电模式将自动禁用模糊效果 #261
增加了RDP远程桌面模式下的效果支持,以及dwm崩溃自动重载功能(并具有异常检查) #160 #40

GUI颜色选择器中增加了HEX颜色值编辑框 #173
CustomBlur适应了系统设置-个性化-颜色中的"透明效果"开关,可以通过系统设置关闭或开启模糊效果 #152


修复了重启计算机后概率无法加载的bug #149 #161
修复了Windows10选择Mica之后崩溃的bug #244
优化了AeroBackdrop的效果,感谢 @kfh83

将"减少标题栏按钮高度 (win7样式)"更名为"还原win7样式标题栏按钮尺寸" 并优化了按钮偏移量和尺寸以及计算方法

如果自动计算的偏移量不正确 或您想自定义偏移量 现在可以通过config.ini添加"titlebtnOffsetX"来修改X偏移位置
默认值 -1 为自动计算 大于-1将使用目标的值


法语 - @snarkbe
俄语 - @shikulja
土耳其语 - @baglayan

New features

Added GUI setting options for the new AeroBackdrop. #234
Added an animation effect switch, and an option to set the duration of the animation effect. #86
Added option to override Accent blur effect.
Added option to use system theme color to override the RGB color of DWMBlurGlass. #86
Added adjustable options for Aero reflection texture opacity.
Added power saving mode effect, which will automatically disable the blur effect if the system is in power saving mode. #261
Added support for effects in RDP remote desktop mode, as well as automatic overloading of dwm crashes (with exception checking).

The GUI color selector has added a HEX color value editing box. #173
CustomimBlur adapts to the "Transparent Effect" switch in "System Settings - Personalization - Colors", which can be turned off or on through the system settings. #152

Optimization and Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the probability of not being able to load after restarting the computer. #149 #161
Fixed a bug in Windows 10 that crashed after selecting Mica. #244
Optimized the effect of AeroBackdrop, thank you @kfh83.

Renamed "Reduce Title Bar Button Height (Win7 Style)" to "Restore Win7 style title bar button size" and optimized button offset, size, and calculation method.
The title bar button style will now be 1:1 pixels back to Windows 7 size.
If the automatically calculated offset is not correct or you want to customize the offset you can now change the X offset by adding "titlelebtnOffsetX" to config.ini.
Default value -1 is calculated automatically. Greater than -1 the value of the target will be used.


Translation Updates.
Thanks to
French - @snarkbe
Russian - @shikulja
Turkish - @baglayan