Bad Bank is the Capstone Project for Module 2 in the MIT - Fullstack Development with MERN. It is called Bad Bank due to the users data exposured in the UI (intentionally).
It consists of a simple React application where the students apply concepts such as hooks, context, routing, and form validations. As well, for the first attempt from the students to deploy a React application using AWS S3 Buckets.
Simply download the zip folder with the source code file, or fork it into your github and clone it into your machine, and run it by using your favorite IDE.
- React JS
- Formik
- Yup Schema Validation
- React Toastify
- Material UI
- Bootstrap
- ChartJS
- Create Account
- Login to Account
- Edit Account
- Transactions List
- Deposit
- Withdraw
- Totals Charts
Link to AWS Deployment: Bad Bank
- Implement Backend
- Allow users to upload their own avatar
Marisela Gomez Student at MIT - Fullstack Development with MERN
MIT License