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This is a repository for a pipeline used to identify imprinted genes or allele specific expressions using Illumina next generation sequencing (NGS) platform. This repository contains a work in progress to identify imprinted genes in polyploid species.

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Imprintia is a pipeline designed to discover imprinted genes from DNA-seq and RNA-seq data. It is flexible in choosing the imprinting threshold and is designed to be compatible for diploid species or species with different ploidy level. It requires parental DNA-seq data and offspring RNA-seq data for imprinting detection. Regardless its initial objectives as a pipeline to identify imprinted genes, this pipeline also can be used for quantifying and parentaging RNA reads in other study such as allelic specific expression (ASE) analysis.

Dummy files are included for testing the pipeline and as examples of input format.

Please cite this paper if you are using this pipeline:

Lafon-Placette, C. et al. (2018) ‘Paternally expressed imprinted genes associate with hybridization barriers in Capsella’, Nature Plants. Nature Publishing Group, 4(6), pp. 352–357. doi: 10.1038/s41477-018-0161-6.


This pipeline requires these packages installed in your Linux system path:

R 3.0 or above
Java 11
python 3.0 or above (3.5 is installed by default in Ubuntu 14)

Quick Installation

If you're in hurry and don't care what Java 11 will do to your system:

sudo apt-get install oracle-java11-installer oracle-java11-set-default

Other requisities installation:

sudo apt-get install r-base bedtools samtools vcftools

For HTSeq:

sudo apt-get install build-essential python2.7-dev python-numpy python-matplotlib python-pysam python-htseq

For Freebayes, you will need to compile it by yourself. Please follow their instruction in their page (

git clone --recursive git://

Quick Guide

Please tweak this configuration header in the and adjust it to your system:

#Configuration: please replace PATH with your sofware path


./ Abamfile1.bam Bbamfile2.bam AxB.bam BxA.bam reference.fasta annotation.gff3

The first two parameters are bam alignment files to call the parental genotypes from parent A (female) and parent B (male). The second two parameters are the crosses from both parents. Reference genome with fasta format is needed. Bias can be introduced if reference used is more similar to one of the parents. A hybrid reference from both parents or from unrelated accession is recommended. The last parameter are annotation file (GFF3 format) where region of interest will be analyzed for imprinting. This annotation can be changed by any region the user is interested to be analyzed.

You can also type:

./ -h

For future help for the input requirement. will call all the script located in the same folder. For manual running of each script, please see below.

Using Manual Step by Step Script

SNPs Calling from parental genome

Example in bash script:

This step will produce coverage file for each parents.

samtools view -b A.bam | genomeCoverageBed -ibam crub.chrom.sizes -d > Acov.csv

or this step too, will produce coverage file for each parents.

genomeCoverageBed -ibam A.bam -g crub.chrom.sizes -d > Acov.txt

This step is needed to call the SNPs from one parental genome:

freebayes -i -X -u --min-coverage 20 --min-alternate-total 10 -q 30 -b A.bam -v Asnp.vcf -f reference.fasta

then this step is to produce a list of SNPs in easy to read tabulated format.

cat Asnp.vcf | vcf-to-tab > Atab.vcf

SNPs Tagging and Preparation

Invoking snpmine.R will call SNPs in each parent one by one. This script provides working SNPs to be processed in the next step from each parent.

Please check and tweak the paramater in this script if you are working with a species with different ploidy level.

make_option(c("-p", "--ploidy"), type="integer", default = 2, help = "input ploidy level (default = 2)", metavar = "integer"))

For example, change the "default = 2" into default = 4 if you're working with tetraploid species.

Rscript ~/git/imprintia/snpmine.R -a Atab.vcf -b Btab.vcf -c Asort.txt -d Bsort.txt -e /media/diskb/rocky/cruaraproj/SNP/exons.gff -y Acomsnp.csv -z Bcomsnp.csv

SNPs Qualification

The query file contains all SNPs with 'enough' evidence to be informative identifier of each parental genotype based. No non-informative SNPs will not be included in this list for example: RR --, RR AR, A1A1 A1A2, vice versa and so on.

#tail here is to grap all the line except the header"
tail -n +2 Acomsnp.csv | awk '{print $2 ":" $3 "-" $3}' > query.txt

RNA Reads Parentaging and Quantification

This process is to quantify RNA reads based on their parental origin and can be done by invoking Command example:

nohup ./ query2.txt cr48x75.rep1.sorted.rmdup.rg.bam crub.chrom.sizes Cr48xCr75r2.csv &

Notes: the genomic reference fasta file must be at the same place and the chrom.sizes file must have ".fai" end extension. The script below will require igvtools.jar from IGV and need to be called using java. The script will loop through each coordinate in the query files and count how many RNA reads match the parental origin at the specific position. Since this process is direct and no filter is applied in the quantifying process, a good quality RNA alignment files is needed and filtering need to be done in the alignment process.

TEST=$(cat "$1")
for i in $TEST; do
	java -Xmx1024m  -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ~/IGVTools/igvtools.jar count -w 1 --bases --query $i $2 count.wig $3
	BASES=$(sed -n '4p' count.wig)
	echo $OUTTEXT >> $4

Genomic Imprinting Working Table Generation

This process is needed to create a useable calculation table needed for the next process and can be done by invoking fixedsnptest.R and stattest.R. This process is initiated using:

Rscript ~/git/imprintia/fixedsnptest.R -i ~/git/imprintia/rna/AxB.bam.csv -s ~/git/imprintia/SNP/Asnp.csv -o ~/git/imprintia/rna/AxBcalc.csv

Afterwards, continue with:

Rscript ~/git/imprintia/stattest.R -i ~/git/imprintia/rna/AxBcalc.csv -o ~/git/imprintia/rna/AxBdet.csv

This step generate tables with read counts assigned to crossed parents for each parental cross RNA library and its statistical test as shown in these two papers:

Hatorangan, M. R. et al. (2016) ‘Rapid Evolution of Genomic Imprinting in Two Species of the Brassicaceae’, The Plant Cell. American Society of Plant Biologists, 28(8), pp. 1815–1827. doi: 10.1105/tpc.16.00304.

Lafon-Placette, C. et al. (2018) ‘Paternally expressed imprinted genes associate with hybridization barriers in Capsella’, Nature Plants. Nature Publishing Group, 4(6), pp. 352–357. doi: 10.1038/s41477-018-0161-6.

Genomic Imprinting Consistency Test

This is the final step in Additional step such as generating a white list or filtering contamination can be added after this. Consistency step is used to test imprinting in two RNA-seq input library. For example, inconsistent imprinting occured if one gene was found to be maternally imprinted in AxB.bam library but had not enough evidence of similar imprinting in the BxA.bam. This step can be done by invoking filteringimp.R.


Rscript filteringimp.R -a ~/git/imprintia/rna/AxBdet.csv -b ~/git/imprintia/rna/BxAdet.csv -c ./result/compiled.csv -r ./result/raw.csv -o ./result/summary.csv

Additional Step

Removal of Contamination

This additional step is added to provide a flexible filter of imprinted genes. For example, this step is needed to remove known contamination from RNA expressed in maternal specific tissue. A script, newsummary.R is provided as a stand alone script outside the


Rscript ~/git/imprintia/newsummary.R -a summaryAxB.csv -b summaryBxA.csv -c rawAxB.csv -d rawBxA.csv -w whitelist.csv -l alias.csv -o finalreport.csv

whitelist.csv is a whitelist file that provide additional filter for which genes shall pass the imprinting criteria. If you want to assess genomic imprinting in a tissue that surrounded by maternal origin tissue (eg. dicots endosperm tissue), this list should contain genes that are confirmed to be expressed only in the endosperm to avoid maternal tissue contamination bias.

whitelist.csv is a simple list file which contain gene ID, each gene per line (please check the example table below).


cat whitelist.csv

Give you:


Generating Whitelist

For a detailed process of generating whitelist.csv, please refer to section methods in the cited paper and this step need to be adjusted based on user's requirement instead of mandatory.

For the cited paper, endosperm specific genes whitelist.csv were generated by comparing transcriptome data sets from whole seeds RNA and endosperm enriched tissue RNA. In total, there are two important filtering process based on the expression level per se, which are: ratio or reads based on their parentage (8:1 or 2:4) and You will need to call HTSeq and Deseq.

Before continuing, a comparison table need to be created first by executing:

python -m HTSeq.scripts.count -t gene -i ID -f bam <alignment_file> <gff_file>


for i in ./*.bam; do
	python -m HTSeq.scripts.count -f bam -t gene -i ID $i genes.gff > "${i/%.bam}.csv";
	echo $i is finish!;

Above step will produce a simple matrix with reads from each library the output for each file need to be combined into one single .csv file or any format readable to R. This matrix need to be compiled into one file including the control library reads count. The column header for the input is mandatory to be named as the example, below:

By invoking:

cat compiled.csv

You will get:

GeneID	Control	AxBr1	AxBr2	BxAr1	BxAr2
GeneA	123	341	234	543	201
GeneB	2345	2314	2159	3994	2111
GeneC	546	290	912	512	334
GeneD	734	896	436	1004	1023
GeneE	42414	1201	3419	2997	7102
GeneF	672	501	477	559	437
GeneG	133	10	76	50	34

If the format is correct, you can proceed with:

Rscript ~/git/imprintia/whitelistgen.R -i compiled.csv -o whitelist.csv

Feel free to drop me some email for further questions. 😄


This is a repository for a pipeline used to identify imprinted genes or allele specific expressions using Illumina next generation sequencing (NGS) platform. This repository contains a work in progress to identify imprinted genes in polyploid species.







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