"Movies" is an aplication that is exclusively focus in movie searching. You can view the aplication in this link: https://movies-marianofndz.vercel.app
- Upon opening the web application, it provides a list of movies suggested and is sorted by popularity
- Search movies by the query that users writed in the search bar
- Filters the movies by rating
- Clicking on a movie opens more information about the movie
- Provides of an infinite scroll that loads more movies
For this proyect was used an API made by "The Movie DB" - Reference: https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api -
Movies requires Node.js v4+ to run.
Install the dependencies
$ npm install
To run the app in development mode:
$ npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
For the building of application:
$ npm run build
We use these technologies
- ReactJS - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces!
- Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps.
- StyledComponents - A library that allows us to style our React components
- VSCode - awesome free source-code editor