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Sauce Labs orientation overview with Polymer and Selenium code examples

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Sauce Labs Demonstration

What is Sauce Labs?

Sauce Labs is a continuous cloud testing platform for web and mobile applications. It provides the ability to run tests against multiple operating systems, platforms, devices, and browsers in parallel.

Which problems does it solve for us?

  • Challenges running all of our tests on all platforms, browsers, and devices.
  • Manual time-consuming regression testing against a limited set of options.
  • Expensive trivial bug tickets that are introduced and come back from QA.
  • Unknown, hidden, and intermittent bugs introduced by new changes or other bug fixes.

How will it help us?

  • Finds bugs faster before they reach QA.
  • Delivers apps faster.
  • Improves quality.
  • Improve efficiency.
  • Provides comprehensive coverage.
  • Provides enterprise security and scalability.
  • Offers cross-browser testing on all platforms.
  • Accelerates release cycles.
  • Fewer bugs reported in production, leading to loyal users.
  • Saves testing time through parallelization over multiple platforms, browsers, and device combinations.
  • Helps eliminate manual regression testing before submitting pull requests.
  • Provides QA with more time for performance, load, and stress testing.

What features does it offer?

  • Over 800 OS and browser combinations.
  • Over 200 emulators and simulators.
  • Over 2000-real devices for public and private testing.
  • Spins up a new "single-use" virtual machine for every test.
  • Configurable screenshot functionality.
  • Configurable video playback functionality.
  • Platform Configurator - High Level Configuration Overview

When should you run tests with it?

  • During active test-driven development tests are ran locally to preserve time and Sauce Labs usage.
  • Newly written tests individually should point at Sauce Labs to be run by the developer ideally just before submitting it for code review.
  • CI/CD architecture should reasonably run all tests through Sauce Labs against and integration branch before it reaches QA.
  • Whenever, but keep Sauce Labs usage in mind.

How do you run tests with it?

The four most common ways to run tests via Sauce Labs.

  1. Command Line
  2. Web Browser
  3. Selenium Test Library
  4. Virtual Machine - Debugging and Troubleshooting

Running tests via Command Line

  1. Please refer to the following repository polymer-sauce-labs-demo for download and experimentation.
  2. Complete required local environment setup steps.
  3. Run npm install -g web-component-tester
  4. Run bower install --save-dev web-component-tester
  5. Save the following web component test json configuration file contents in the root directory of the web project.
  6. Run any of the following commands.
Command Description
wct --expanded --configFile .\wct.config.json Runs all tests.
wct --expanded --configFile .\wct.config.json .\test\polymer-sauce-labs-demo_test.html Runs specified test class.
wct --expanded --configFile .\wct.config.json --job-name 'My Job Name' Runs all tests with specified job name.
wct --expanded --configFile .\wct.config.json --job-name 'My Job Name' .\test\polymer-sauce-labs-demo_test.html Runs specified test class with specified job name.
wct --help Web component tester help menu commands.
polymer test Polymer web component tester command (see CLI notes)
polymer --help Polymer test help menu commands.

CLI Notes

  • Sauce Labs tests are run remotely when "sauce" section of wct.config.json is enabled true.
  • --expanded prints a friendly one-liner status of the test(s).
  • User credentials are unnecessary as command line arguments when credentials environment variables are set (best practice).
  • Use --help for additional arguments and usages.

Required Local Environment Setup

  1. Set the following key value pairs as System environment variables for your desired installed browsers.

  2. Critical note for Windows users: Make sure all the following values are entered then moved to the top of environment variable path list. Windows will traverse through all environment variables when searching for appropriate key value pair matches. This has been known to take three to five minutes to begin test runs if the environment variables are not immediately found at the top of the environment variable path list. Environment variables can be repositioned when entered as a Path environment variable. This is only necessary when running tests locally via command line when Sauce Labs is disabled.

  3. For Windows machine users, see How to set Windows environment variables.

    Key Value
    SAUCE_USERNAME mySauceLabsUserName_
    SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    LAUNCHPAD_BROWSERS chrome, edge, firefox, ie, opera
    LAUNCHPAD_CHROME C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
    LAUNCHPAD_EDGE C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge\MicrosoftEdge.exe
    LAUNCHPAD_FIREFOX C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
    LAUNCHPAD_IE C:\Windows\explorer.exe
    LAUNCHPAD_OPERA C:\Program Files\Opera\00.0.0000.00\opera.exe
  4. For Mac OS/Linux machine users:

How to set Windows environment variables

  1. Click Start on the task bar.
  2. For Search programs and fields, enter Environment Variables.
  3. Click Edit the environment variables. This will open the System Properties dialog.
  4. Click Environment Variables. This will open the Environment Variables dialog.
  5. In the System variables section, click New.
  6. This will open the New System Variable dialog.
  7. For Variable name, enter SAUCE_USERNAME.
  8. For Variable value, enter your Sauce username mySauceLabsUserName.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Repeat 4 - 8 to set up the SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY.
  11. Sauce access key is the GUID value.

Minimum web component test configuration file example

  "plugins": {
    "local": {
      "browsers": [
      "browserOptions": {
        "chrome": [

Maximum web component test configuration file example

  "plugins": {
    "local": {
      "browsers": [
      "browserOptions": {
        "chrome": [
        "firefox": [
    "sauce": {
      "disabled": true,
      "browsers": [
          "browserName": "internet explorer",
          "platform": "Windows 8.1",
          "version": "11"
          "browserName": "safari",
          "platform": "OS X 10.11",
          "version": "9"

Running tests via Web Browser

  1. Run npm install -g web-component-tester
  2. Run bower install --save-dev web-component-tester
  3. In the root folder of your web project \test\ folder or directly in your test.html file, modify your index.html file with the following html code.

For Polymer polyfill information, please see Test with polyfills for more details

  1. Run polymer serve
  2. Paste the following line in your desired browser to test.
    • localhost:8080/polymer-sauce-labs-demo/test/polymer-sauce-labs-demo_test.html
    • The sample above runs basic-test.html twice, once using native APIs (where the browser supports them), and once using all of the polyfills.

Running tests via Selenium Test Library

public class SeleniumExample
    private readonly IWebDriver _webDriver;

    public SeleniumExample()
      const string sauceLabsUriString = "";

      var sauceUserName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SAUCE_USERNAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);
      var sauceAccessKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);
      var safariOptions = new SafariOptions();

      safariOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("username", sauceUserName);
      safariOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("accessKey", sauceAccessKey);
      safariOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("name", TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name);
      safariOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("platform", "macOS 10.13");
      safariOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("version", "latest");

      _webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri(sauceLabsUriString), safariOptions.ToCapabilities());

Debugging and troubleshooting via Sauce Labs Virtual-Machine

  1. Navigate to url Sauce Connect Proxy Setup
  2. Download the appropriate proxy executable.
  3. Adjust the configuration file accordingly.
  4. Run your local server url remote via Sauce Labs.

Example Sauce Labs Projects

  • Projects are located in this repository.
    • Polymer Sauce Labs Project .\polymer-sauce-labs-demo
    • Selenium Sauce Labs Project .\SauceLabsDemo
  • Polymer project requires npm, bower, and web-component-tester installed.
    • See the following repository for Polymer environmental setup mtz-app-knowledge-center - Application containing detailed introductions to various concepts for dev on-boarding.
  • Selenium project prerequisites
    • Visual Studio Community 2017 - Windows Primary Users

    • VS Code - Mac, Windows, and Linux Users

    • Modify the actual userName, password, yourAppUrl accordingly.

    • Selenium code examples are not asynchronous, but the NUnit test library used in this example can be configured to call each configuration asynchronously.

    • Overall, regardless of the language used to call Sauce Labs, the test execution or test manager configured should call each test or suite asynchronously.

    • Based on my initial research, Sauce Labs will create a new single-use virtual machine for each test or suite of tests, but the test runner must send Sauce Labs these tests an isolated asynchronous manner.

    • To run tests locally, local drivers for each browser will need to be called locally on the tester's machine (please refer to the .\Drivers folder for this repository).

    • Please full project for complete working implementation.

      [TestFixture(Browser.Chrome, "Windows 8.1")]
      [TestFixture(Browser.Firefox, "Linux")]
      [TestFixture(Browser.InternetExplorer, "Windows 7")]
      [TestFixture(Browser.MicrosoftEdge, "Windows 10")]
      [TestFixture(Browser.Safari, "macOS 10.13")]
      public class SeleniumExample
          private readonly IWebDriverAdapter _webDriverAdapter;
          public SeleniumExample(Browser browser, string operatingSystem)
              _webDriverAdapter = new WebDriverAdapter(Session.Remote, browser, operatingSystem);
          public void TearDown()
          [TestCase("someUserName", "somePassword", "Some User Name")]
          public void LoginToHyundai(string userName, string passWord, string fullUserName)
              const string autoAppHyundaiUrl = "https://yourAppUrl/login";
              _webDriverAdapter.SendText(By.CssSelector("#input-1"), userName);
              _webDriverAdapter.SendText(By.CssSelector("#input-2"), passWord);
              _webDriverAdapter.Click(By.CssSelector("#form > > paper-button > span"));
              var webElement = _webDriverAdapter.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#profileCard > p"));
              var result = webElement.Text;
              Assert.That(fullUserName, Is.EqualTo(result));
      private DriverOptions CreateDriverOptions(Browser browser, string operatingSystem, string browserVersion)
          dynamic driverOptions;
          switch (browser)
              case Browser.Chrome:
                  driverOptions = new ChromeOptions();
              case Browser.Firefox:
                  driverOptions = new FirefoxOptions();
              case Browser.InternetExplorer:
                  driverOptions = new InternetExplorerOptions();
              case Browser.MicrosoftEdge:
                  driverOptions = new EdgeOptions();
              case Browser.Safari:
                  driverOptions = new SafariOptions();
                  throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(browser), browser, null);
          var sauceUserName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SAUCE_USERNAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);
          var sauceAccessKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);
          var testName = $"[{TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName}].[{operatingSystem}].[{browser}].[{browserVersion}]";
          driverOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("username", sauceUserName);
          driverOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("accessKey", sauceAccessKey);
          driverOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("name", testName);
          driverOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("platform", operatingSystem);
          driverOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("version", browserVersion);
          return driverOptions;

Sauce Labs Resources


Sauce Labs orientation overview with Polymer and Selenium code examples







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