The cryptopals crypto challenges are a collection of exercises that demonstrate attacks on real-world crypto. This is my attempt at solving these challenges.
I am only working on these challenges occasionally, so I have not made much progress.
In September 2021 I first started with a Python implementation and expanded on this in and September 2022.
Here is an example of challenge 13 in Python:
class TestChallenge13:
def test_break_structured_cookie_oracle(self) -> None:
oracle: StructuredCookieOracle = StructuredCookieOracle()
ciphertext: Ciphertext = forge_admin_cookie(oracle)
forged_profile: dict[str, str] = oracle.decrypt(ciphertext)
assert forged_profile['role'] == 'admin'
I began rewriting all the challanges again in Rust in May 2023 and continued in December 2023.
Here is an example of challenge 6 in Rust
fn challenge_6() -> TestResult {
// Input
let file = FileLineIterator::new("../../data/6.txt")?;
let ciphertext = Bytes::try_from_base64(file)?;
// Expected output
let plaintext = funky_music()?;
assert_eq!(adversary::attack_repeating_key_xor(&ciphertext)?, plaintext);