The Burger Logger is an application that allows the user to choose a burger to eat and then devour it! The application uses MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and ORM to create the Logger. The structure of the application follows the MVC design pattern, uses Node and MySQL and route data and Handlebars to generate the HTML. The application may also be used remotely with Heroku using the database.
Begin installation of the application by creating a package.json file by running ‘npm init -y’ at the terminal command line. Install the following npm packages: Express, express-handlebars and mysql by entering ‘npm install express –save’, ‘npm install express-handlebars --save’ and ‘npm install mysql –save’, respectively. The application is then ready to use.
Open the server.js file and type ‘node server.js’ in the terminal command line. A response will appear in the command line indicating the Server is listening on http://localhost:8080. Open a web browser and enter ‘localhost:8080’ in the address line and type the Enter key. A page will appear asking if you are hungry for burgers. A list of burgers will appear allowing you to choose one and devour it.
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No test files are provided for the user to test the application.
Contact Mark Brazee at: or at
The formatting of the index.handlebars file is still in progress.