Dungeon Gen is a very basic procedurally generated dungeon crawler with some shooter and rogue-lite elements.
The dungeon will change every time you start a new game and its dimensions will scale along with the current level you are. The weapons and the enemies you'll find also scale with the level you are, so as the game gets tougher the weapons you can get will have a more important role.
All the assets that were used to develop this demo are free to use and they are available at the Unity Asset Store:
- Sci-Fi Gun Light: http://u3d.as/NG7
- Simple Box Pack: http://u3d.as/1U4
- Unity Particle Pack: http://u3d.as/BZ7
- Fog of War Gun Sound FX Free: http://u3d.as/wbH
- Weapon Soldier Sounds Pack: http://u3d.as/byo
- 3D Scifi Kit Starter Kit: http://u3d.as/RE9
- Sci-Fi Door: http://u3d.as/9hZ
- Handpainted Keys: http://u3d.as/i6q
- SciFi Enemies and Vehicles: http://u3d.as/6CD
- Nextgen Sci-Fi: Cratehttp://u3d.as/jze
If you want the game's build or simply play it on your browser, check this: https://defu.itch.io/dungeon-gen
- Standard shooter movement with WASD.
- Left Mouse Click for shooting.
- Right Mouse Click for aiming.
- F to melee strike.
- R to reload your weapon.
In order to build or modify this source code you will need the following programs:
- Unity™ 2017.3.1f1
- Visual Studio 2017
Clone this repository using git: git clone https://github.com/TFGProcGen/DungeonGen
Download the asset store folder, containing the previous mentioned assets: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BH43jNOqluHKKOHZ5st89kM3Jwibc2mf
Uncompress it on the Assets folder inside the folder that has just been created
Move the project folder to your Unity Projects' folder
Open Unity and choose the project DungeonGen
Click File->Build Settings->Choose operative System->Build
This game is part of my bachelor thesis about procedural content generation in Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación on the University of Vigo.