Records sound from Pulse Audio with ffmpeg while watching D-Bus to determine tracks, song title, album, artist and other meta data provided by the media player application via MPRIS D-Bus service.
When the next song starts, the recorder automatically starts recording a new file and sets available meta data.
dbus-soundrecorder record [options]
Here a simple example. First, get a list of your Pulse Audio sinks:
pactl list short sinks
You can also create a new virtual Pulse Audio sink:
pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=virtual1
In any case, you should ensure that the media player uses the sink (eg. using pavucontrol).
Then start the recorder. You need to specify the media player application and the sink:
dbus-soundrecorder record -a vlc -s virtual1.monitor -i "-sample_rate 44100" -o "-c:a libfdk_aac -vbr 4"
As you can see, it is also possible to specify options for ffmpeg. Input options can be specified with -i and output options like audio codec and quality with -o.
However, input sink, output file and meta-data are provided by the recorder and shouldn't be specified.
For all available options, use the --help command.
After starting the recorder, start playing the songs you want to record. The recorder should start ffmpeg automatically.
- If you get error, non monotone timestamps and/or This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file., try to add -wallclock 0 to the ffmpeg input options.
The application depends on the c++utilities library. It is built in the same way as c++utilities.
The following Qt modules are required (version 5.6 or higher): core dbus
Copyright © 2015-2022 Marius Kittler
All code is licensed under GPL-2-or-later.