GROUPOMANIA - A private social network using Quasar, VueJS 3
Main branch - Commit #114
- This website is a project to web developer course teached by Openclassroom
- Build a full-stack private social network for a company called Groupomania.
- The entire project is made from scratch, only logos are delivered.
⚠️ A new front-end made with Quasar is in progress. 🚧
- A new frontend is being build with Quasar ( VueJS 3, VueX ). 🚧
- Split Frontend and Backend in 2 github repo.
- Install MariaDB groupomania data and backend repo
- In the .env frontend file, insert your parameters:
⚠️ VUE_APP_API_PORT value must be equal to APP_PORT one.
Open terminal in repo, then run the following commands :
Install depedencies :
npm install
- Launch frontend-quasar separately if you want to test the new frontend application 🚧 :
npm run dev
Then open this link: http://localhost:8080/submit in your favorite browser.
⚠️ In order to prevent from port collisions, the API code port value is 3001, the data base port value is 3306 by default and the frontend port value is 8080.