Backend Module 2 paired Rails project, weeks 2 and 3
This purpose of this application is for users to browse and review books. The primary goal of this challenge is testing your ability to set up many-to-many relationships and accessing attributes through multiple models.
- creation of a basic Rails web application
- many to many relationship
- implementing basic MVC structure to your project
- save and retrieve data from a database
- display content on a web page with some very basic styling
- learning how to test your code effectively at a Feature and a Model level
- must use Rails 5.1.x
- must use PostgreSQL
- all controller and model code must be tested via feature tests and model tests, respectively
- must use some amount of HTML and CSS layout
- project is hosted on Heroku
- ask instructors in your public channel before adding any gems to your project
- do not use JavaScript to sort content on a page
These user stories may be worked on in any order that makes sense to your team. The most optimal order may not be a top-to-bottom approach.
View User Stories
If you finish the user stories above before the deadline, you are expected to attempt extension work. Extensions should not be attempted until all other work is complete.
View Extensions
Each paired team will have a rubric uploaded to
View Book Club Rubric