Still trying to decide on my specialization, I am leaning towards embedded systems and microcontrollers, but also thinking about something closer to software development, I am not completely sure, yet.
My first programming language was Python. I started learning it while I was in middle school, later on I didn't use it much, so I forgot many things about it.
I wrote some websites, when I was in high school, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and also PHP.
Currently in collage, I continue to learn C++ and so far, it's my favorite programming language, bacause I belive it is challenging and gives me a steady ground for learning other programming languages.
I belive, I am persistent at what I do and I try to spend my time on learning and working as best, as I can.
Together with my brother, we added some features and new tab on a website, for Okocim parish. Other than that, we made a simple website hosted online, for Stowarzyszenie Okocim od Serca:
- Learning Qt QML with QtQuick, for creating multiplatform applications and UI Design.
- Started studying, about microcontrollers, together with embedded C.
- Making a recap information, about databases, this time using postgreSQL instead of MySQL.
- Studying Java