This application, named after the champion from Dota 2, Huskar,
has following functionalities,
using the API:
- As a visitor I should be able to view latest movies / top movies
- As a visitor I should be able to search movies by name and/or genre.
- As a visitor I should be able to view movie details (Fetch image gallery, actors, description)
- As a locally registered user I should be able to leave a comment on a movie in a local comments database.
User authentication is done externally, based on social media accounts (Facebook, Google, Instagram)
Movie data is not stored in the database, it is retrieved using the existing API.
No passwords or other sensitive data are stored in the database of users connected
through Facebook and Google accounts.
Before running the application, you need to download MySQL, from XAMPP website.
After that create the database from the included migration scheme, as shown below.
Package Manager Console
PM> Update-Database
PM> Remove-Migration
If you use CLI, open up terminal:
> dotnet ef database update
> dotnet ef migrations remove