Gensim 4.x and sklearn
- Introduction
- General informations
- Methods Description
- GridSearch and BayesSearch Usage
- BayesSearch Example
Prod2Vec or Item2Vec produces embedding for items in a latent space. The method is capable of inferring item-item relations even when user information is not available. It's based on NLP model Word2Vec. Click here to know more
This project provide a class that encapsulates Item2Vec model (word2vec gensim model) as a sklearn estimator.
It allows the simple and efficient use of the Item2Vec model by providing :
- metric to measure the performance of the model (Precision@K)
- compatibility with GridSearchCV and BayesSearchCV to find the optimal hyperparameters
!! Warning : Estimators template is not respected since X does not have the shape (n_features, n_examples)
2.1 Input data format
X : list of string list. Each string is an item. Each list is the sequence of products purchased
by a customer/while a session
X = [['prod_1', ..., 'prod_n'], ... ,['prod_1', ..., 'prod_n']]
2.2 Train/Test split
The train/test split is managed within the class. It is not necessary to split the data into train and test before fitting the model.
2.3 Pipeline performance measurement
- Training on subset of X
- Randomly sampled ((n-1)-th, n-th) pairs of items, disjoint from the training set
- Evaluate performance on NEP task (ie: Find the top 10 most similar to the (n-1)-th item and check if the (n-th) item is in this top 10)
3.1 Instanciation and init parameters
Instanciation :
Item2VecWrapped(alpha=0.025, cbow_mean=1, epochs=5,hs=0, min_alpha=0.0001, min_count=1, negative=5, ns_exponent=-0.5,
sample=0.001, seed=1, sg=0, vector_size=100, window=3, shrink_windows=True,topK=10, split_strategy="timeseries")
Word2Vec default Parameters (Gensim 4.x)
alpha=0.025, cbow_mean=1, epochs=5,hs=0, min_alpha=0.0001, min_count=1, negative=5,
ns_exponent=-0.5, sample=0.001, seed=1, sg=0, vector_size=100, window=3, shrink_windows=True,
Added parameters :
topK=int, split_strategy=string
topK : most similar word to a given word. (10 by default)
split_strategy : "timeseries" or "train_test_split"
"timeseries" : Training set -> (item_1, ..., item_N-1)
Test set -> (item_N-1, item_N)
"train_test_split" : Training set, Test set = train_test_split(X, test_size=0.05, random_state=42)
Create couple (item_N-1, item_N) from Test_test
3.2 Fit method
- Getting X_train data (depending on splitting strategy) to train the gensim Word2Vec model
- Train Word2Vec model on X_train
3.3 Predict method
is a word or a list of words- Predict topK most similar words using cosine similarity.
a list of list of topK words by index
3.4 Score method (not using it outside the classe)
must be the same as the one provide to fit()
Designed for the GridSearchCV and BayesSearch. Use score_Precision_at_K(X_test,Y_test)
Evaluate performance on Next Event Prediction using Precision@K
: The score in pecentage of right prediction
3.5 Score_Precision_at_K method
score_Precision_at_K(X_test, Y_test)
Evaluate performance on Next Event Prediction using Precision@K
: list of items
: list of items. Ground truth about the next item purchases just after X_test
: The score in pecentage of right prediction
3.6 Get_vocabulary method
: list of vocabulary after the training.
will return word at index idx.
3.7 Get_index_word method
: Index of the given word
Model instantation
my_model = Item2VecWrapped()
Hyperparameters definition
parameters = {'ns_exponent': [1, 0.5, -0.5, -1], 'alpha': [0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9]}
Define Train and test indices for splitting. !! Test and train indices must be the same !! The split is managed internally
train_indices = [i for i in range(len(X))]
test_indices = [i for i in range(len(X))]
cv = [(train_indices, test_indices)]
Instantiate GridSearchCV
clf = GridSearchCV(my_model,parameters, cv=cv)
Fit the model and getting best parameters and best scores
!pip install scikit-optimize
from import Integer
from import Real
from import Categorical
from skopt.utils import use_named_args
from skopt import BayesSearchCV
search_space = list()
search_space.append(Integer(3, 100, name='epochs', prior='log-uniform', base=2))
search_space.append(Integer(10, 500, name='vector_size', prior='log-uniform', base=2))
search_space.append(Real(0.01, 1, name='alpha', prior='uniform'))
search_space.append(Real(-1, 1, name='ns_exponent', prior='uniform'))
search_space.append(Integer(5, 50, name='negative', prior='uniform'))
search_space.append(Categorical([0, 1], name='sg'))
search_space.append(Real(0.00001, 0.01, name='sample', prior='uniform'))
search_space.append(Categorical([0, 1], name='cbow_mean'))
search_space.append(Integer(1,3, name='window', prior='uniform')) #mean of basket len is 1.54
search_space.append(Categorical([True, False], name='shrink_windows'))
params = {search_space[i].name : search_space[i] for i in range((len(search_space)))}
train_indices = [i for i in range(len(X))] # indices for training
test_indices = [i for i in range(len(X))] # indices for testing
cv = [(train_indices, test_indices)]
clf = BayesSearchCV(estimator=Item2VecWrapped(), search_spaces=params, n_jobs=-1, cv=cv)