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How to Host a Server on Linux GUI DE installation

Moon edited this page Jun 16, 2021 · 1 revision

I'll be using Arch Linux with KDE DE in this example

  • Download the latest TournamentAssistantCore-linux. I'd recommend using your home directory, just so you don't have to deal with sudo.
  • Make TournamentAssistantCore-linux executable using your file manager of choice or using chmod +x /path/to/TournamentAssistantCore-linux. (In the screenshot I am using nautilus) Screenshot_20210203_092620 Screenshot_20210203_092821
  • Open terminal and run ./TournamentAssistantCore-linux. If you saved the executable somewhere else you will have to either specify the path to it ./path/to/TournamentAssistantCore-linux or cd into the directory and then run ./TournamentAssistantCore-linux.

Do not doubleclick the executable, it will run headless and you won't be able to turn it off without killing the process in the terminal or rebooting.

in this example I have TournamentAssistantCore-linux in a subfolder in my home directory Screenshot_20210203_103524

  • Now press ctrl + c to close TournamentAssistantCore-linux and use your text/code editor of choice to edit the serverConfig.json configuration file. (In the screenshots I am using VS Code) Screenshot_20210203_105623

  • In this file, add your server address. It will need to be a domain name, direct IP addresses are not supported. Don't forget to remove the brackets.

  • You can also add a server name and password. Screenshot_20210203_105417 Screenshot_20210203_105453

  • After you finish configuration, save the file, open terminal and run ./TournamentAssistantCore-linux again. Screenshot_20210203_111845

  • If the address got verified and port got opened, congratulations, you have just created your own server.

  • If the address got verified but port could not be opened, you will need to open the selected port in your router settings manually.

  • If the address failed to verify and port got opened successfully and you made sure that there aren't any spelling mistakes or that the domain is pointed at the correct IP (keep in mind that DNS entries take up to an hour to be created/changed) seek help on discord.