Working best on 4x4 tables
Also made using Vue.js
- first generation
- minimal fitness is used to select best generated queen sets
- call app.init(iterations, minimal_fitness)
app.init(100, 4);
A message to call iterate will be showed
Making new generations
- call app.iterate(iterations, minimal_fitness)
- the iteration can be a larger number
- will be finished if a valid set is finded (fitness = 0)
app.iterate(100000, 4)
The following parameters can be changed:
- validSetButton -> show button to place a valid set (also can call 'validSet(0 or 1)')
- dark -> dark/light mode
- population -> population size (how many queens, rows and cols will have)
- mutation -> mutation rate (0-1), change how many changes the queen array will have
- crossover -> crossover rate (0-1), change where the parents arrays will be splitted/spliced
- minFit -> (0-10) minimal fitness to selection after crossover
- maxIterations -> (0-?) max iterations to aply in algorithm
validSetButton: false,
dark: true,
population: 4,
mutation: 0.5,
crossover: 0.3,
minFit: 4,
maxIterations: 100
- sometimes the generations will be finished with a sequence on diagonal ( / )
- 8x8 or higher populations will take longer time to solve and has at least 1 queen matching
- Added themes (dark/ligh)
- General functions
- generation, mutation and crossover
- Verifyers and general things
- iterators and finish
- finished first version
- added running flag
- added inputs in html
- changelog
- minor fixes
- fixed maxIterations and mininal fitness in wrong place