This challenge was the seventh of my Maker's weekend challenge, intended to be done alone to reinforce the week's learning and concepts. The necessary skills covered in this challenge were:
- Build instagram with all the relevant features
- Build a full stack application in Rails
- Follow a TDD approach to a full stack application
- Main Instagram MVP back end implemented with very little trouble
- Experimented with and successfully used Rails generation as well as manual MVC creation
- An attempt to get bootstrap working for the front end created a major issue, and git rollback had a problem that ended up breaking the project, 4 hours just to get back to basic working order and I had no time to finish the front end
- This project is one I will rewrite post makers without bootstrap in order to have both a functional back end and front end
See this app run live at Heroku
Build Instagram: Simple huh!
Your challenge is to build Instagram using Rails. You'll need users who can post pictures, write comments on pictures and like a picture. Style it like Instagram's website (or more awesome).
As a User
So that I can show others my pictures
I want to post a Jam to InstaJam
As a User
So that I can see other's pictures
I want to see all Jams most recent first
As a Maker
So that I can better appreciate the context of a peep
I want to see the time at which it was made
As a User
So that I can identify my own pictures
I want to sign up for InstaJam
As a User
So that only I can post Jams as me
I want to log in to InstaJam
As a User
So that I can avoid others posting messages on InstaJam
I want to log out of Instajam
As a Maker
So that people can see a demonstration of my app
I want to host it on Heroku
- Clone this repo, run bundle migrate to install any dependencies, run rails db:migrate to install your tables
- Use < rails s / rails server > command in terminal to launch Rails server, and go to to interact with the app
- Alternatively use < rackup > and go to localhost:9292
- Why not make it even easier for yourself and just click the Heroku link at the top?