- Colombo Matteo - 883114 - 10459278
- Troianiello Andrea - 898113 - 10455250
NonSoloLibri is a small social network application designed for book enthusiast that allows them to organize and review their collection.
Users will be able to create libraries and to organize books in them.
Beside the storing functionality, NonSoloLibri has a social part that allows them to connect with other people with a friendship system.
Friends will be able to see the each other collections and wish-lists, so that they can surprise each other with presents.
A market place is available, where every verified user will be able to sell or buy books.
- lib: This folder contains the source code of the application.
- dd: All LaTeX source code concerning the design document, that is a technical description of this application.
- delivery: Contains the design document pdf, the elevator pitch and the presentetion.
flutter test
coverage: flutter test --coverage
to visualize you need lcov, then:
genhtml coverage/lcov.info -o coverage/html