A project I am fiddling with for fun.
A website which pulls random articles from wikipedia and prints them to the screen one by one. The articles will be printed in random locations and the user will be able to control how fast they appear.
- Have fun!
- Learn React and be able to implement react features in a test driven manner
- Improve my understanding of asynchronous code
- Improve my understanding of the links between back end and front end technologies
- Build a silly thing with some interesting ideas which will allow me to develop my knowledge further. I have described some of these issues below:
- The wikipedia API only allows 20 articles to be requested at a time. This means that the app will have to track the number of articles it has stored ready to print and asynchronously make another request when necessary. Because of the CORS error this will have to run via the server but without reloading the front page. The request will need to complete before the app runs out of articles to print.
- Testing: the app will be updating it's own state asynchronously, and the content on the screen will update too. This means that my tests will have to take into account that the state of the app changes over time with no user input.
The way I am hoping to build this (It has some new ideas to me so I'm expecting that I might have to change) is as follows:
- The app will store an array of article objects containing the article id, title and url from the Wiki API.
- The user will define the time unit in milliseconds via controls in a floating component on the page
- Each time unit, one article from the array will be removed and printed to the screen in a random location. The printed content will be a link to the article where the link-text is the article title.
- When the size of the articles array drops to 10 (or some appropriate number), the app will request another load of articles from the API via the express server.
- The response will be converted into an array of article objects and each object pushed into the articles array used by the app.
- There will be a reset button on the screen which will remove all articles from the page.
- There will be a start button which will begin adding articles to the page again.
- ReactJs
- Node.js
- Express
- Axios
- Jest
- Supertest
$ npm start
$ npm run server-test
$ npm run client-test
As a user
I want to see a random wikipedia article
So I can learn something new
As a User
I want to see a list of random wikipedia articles
So I can choose what I want to learn about
As a user
I want the articles to print to the screen one per second
So that I can decide which one I want to click on
As a User
I want to click a button and stop the links from printing and clear the screen
So it won't get too cluttered
As a User
I want to click a button and start printing links
In case I click stop by mistake
As a User
I want the links to keep printing unless I click stop
So I can be sure to find something interesting