This is designed to create a hash for a download and compare it to the original hash provided by the source of the download.
This project was built using the .NET framework and C#, as a result it will need the following elements installed to run it.
- Visual Studio - This was developed using Visual Studio 2017, however, any updated version should be fine. It would be useful to ensure that all relevent C# language packs are installed.
- .NET Framework - It was built using .NET Framework v{get-version-number}, there is the possability this project may be updated in the future to utilise .NET Core.
To load this code in Visual Studio, use the standard method of loading a project by selecting opening the solution file (.sln). Once opened, you can then use the built in compiler to build and run the solution.
The lastest release is a .exe and will only work on Windows. A .NET Core version is being considered in the future.