A small (400 sloc) cross-platform single-header c++11 CLI parser library
Ever being tired of not having a simple cross-platform getopts style CLI parser for your C++ projects? I have, so I wrote my own, gethin (and then I found out that other people also have ;-)). gethin supports shortopts, longopts and windows-style opts in a quite flexible way. Some examples:
app -o argument
app --option argument
app /o argument
app /option argument
app --option=argument
app --option="argument"
app --option:argument
app --option:"argument"
As this is a single-header library, you only need to include the the gethin.hpp header in the single_include
It is also available with the different classes in separate header files.
The library in separated header files are available in the include
Using the library this way may decrease compilation times if some gethin classes are included in multiple source files.
There are three types of options you can parse: String
, Flag
and Set
- Create the options you need.
- Create an OptionReader object. Supply the options to the constructor.
- Call
on the OptionReader object with argc and argv. - Call
on the options to get the parsed arguments.
#include <iostream>
#include "gethin.hpp"
void drawRectangle(int width, int height);
void drawEllipse(int width, int height);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
gethin::String width = gethin::String()
.help("The width of the drawn shape.");
gethin::String height = gethin::String()
.help("The height of the shape.");
gethin::Flag color = gethin::Flag().shortOpt('c').longOpt("colors").help(
"Draw the shape with colored output.");
gethin::Set shape = gethin::Set()
.alternatives({"rectangle", "ellipse"})
.help("Which shape to draw.");
gethin::OptionReader optReader({&width, &height, &color, &shape});
try {
optReader.read(argc, argv);
} catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "Error during execution!" << std::endl;
if (shape.value() == "rectangle") {
drawRectangle(std::stoi(width.value()), std::stoi(height.value()));
} else if (shape.value() == "ellipse") {
drawEllipse(std::stoi(width.value()), std::stoi(height.value()));
An example is included in the example folder.
It is built with the make-target all
To build it, just run the command make
Execute the example by running ./drawshape
The unit tests can be found in test/
The test framework Catch2 is used to write and execute the tests.
Catch2 is included as a submodule in this repo.
To be able to build the test, the Catch2 submodule must be present.
Either clone the repo with the switch --recurse-submodules
or run the command git submodule init && git submodule update
The unit tests can be built and executed by running make test
They document the usage and the (few) caveats of this lib.
As we say in swedish, "Mycket nöje!"