Born on 04/10/1999, Argentina. I'm a Full Stack Developer boy doing a autobiography through my life. I was born on October 4, 1999, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The second of three, the middle child with middle child problems, I started kinder garden at the age of 3 in Pau pau, then my family changed me to a bilingual italian school named Scuola Edmondo de Amicis where I stayed there for seven years learning italian and a little bit of english. Then when I turned 13 years old I decided to go to the highschool Colegio Gonzales Pecotche where 5 years later I will finish the school with a grade point average of 8 and a certificate in english granted by the Cambridge University. With my mind in University I started studiyng medicine in Universidad de Buenos Aires where i will last 2 years, before I changed my future to start studiyng software engineering. But that also was not I was looking forware, then i met Web development where I stated studying HTML and CSS on my own, but that wasn't enough and started learning JavaScript with the oficial documentation. Then React, Bootstrap, MySQL and more. Now I'm doing solo projects practising what I learn, you can check them out here: Portfolio
I want to keep learning new things, new technologies, start working on what I love. Thanks for reading, Mauricio Hunau.