A jit-enhanced Python code to forecast the sensitivity of future Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) configurations and assess constraints on Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) parameters. The code can generate mock PTA catalogs with noise levels compatible with current and future PTA experiments. These catalogs can then be used to perform Fisher forecasts of MCMC simulations.
- Clone from this repository:
- Install using the following command (you can delete the
folder afterwords).
python3 -m pip install ./fastPTA
[alternatively, to have changes in the code propagate instantaneously: (do not delete fastPTA
in this case!)]
python3 -m pip install -e ./fastPTA
After installation (see above) you can run the folloeing command. A series of tests will run to check everything works fine.
pytest $(cd fastPTA/)
- Navigate to examples for some scripts and jupyter notebooks explaining how to use the code.
If you use fastPTA, please cite 2404.02864 and 2407.14460. There's also a Zenodo entry associated with this code.