YelpCamp is one of the projects done as part of the course - The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele
It is a web application designed to add, rate and review different campgrounds, different users (read campers) can put in their comments and concerns, so that it is a well informed and well prepared camping trip for other users.
The code needs the following environment variables:
(CLOUDINARY Registration is needed which is really simple and quick)
- MAPBOX_TOKEN* (included in the code)
All of these are obtainable from your Cloudinary account.
Run npm install
to install required packages.
Then, run nodemon
or node app.js
to start the server.
In case, you need to update your seeds run node seeds/index.js
Access through http://localhost:3000/
The app has been deployed with Heroku, and can be accessed through
- ejs
- Bootstrap 5
- express
- mongoDB
- mongoose
- async
- passport
- passport-local
- express-session
- method-override
- connect-flash
git clone