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[1.0] Documentation

Mariano Sciacco edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 1 revision

Server Remote Console - Version 1.0

This web application written in PHP is a simple remote console to manage players and server activities. You can easily start & stop your server, once configured, and you can view server logs as well as server advanced informations and player's list. Moreover, it is possible to kick or ban players directely from the console and send global messages.


The server remote console for SA-MP has been developed and coded by Maxel ( It is actually released in beta version 1.0. This project has started in 19/04/2018 and it is still supported.

Special thanks to StatusRed aka Edward McKnight for his plugin SA-MP Query and RCON API for PHP which is used in this project. Bootstrap 4 and has been also used to make the GUI of this website.


  • Easy configuration
  • No mysql database needed
  • Multiple types of configuration based on needs
  • Password protected area
  • Simple Server Start (via SSH)
  • Simple Server Stop (via RCON)
  • Restart / Next gamemode (via RCON)
  • Possibility to send global message to ingame players (via RCON)
  • Direct access to server_logs.txt and quick reset (via SSH)
  • Advanced information panel about the server
  • Advanced player's list (with score, username, id and ping) and kick/ban options (via RCON)
  • Bootstrap 4.0 coding and font-awesome icons

Features may be added in the future. Stay tuned.


  1. Web server with PHP 7.0+ (it should work fine in PHP 5 and in earlier versions)
  2. [Recommended] SA-MP server on Ubuntu or Debian
  3. [Recommended] RCON password of the server
  4. [Recommended] SSH access to samp-server directory with granted privileges

Installation and Modes

The installation process is pretty easy: you need to edit the file includes/configuration.php with the requested field. In order to make everything usable, you must have satisfy all the recommended requirements described above. Anyway, there are various modes to use this console.

Modes Description Requirements
Open This mode is used to display only the server information and player's list. Guests are able to see everything. (1)
Limited In this mode, you need a password to access the area and you can only view server information and player's list, once logged-in. (1)
Only RCON Like the limited mode, but with the possibility to kick and ban players, stop server and send global messages. (1) (3)
Only SSH Like the limited mode, with the possibility to start the server, view and reset server_logs. (1) (2) (4)
Complete All features available. (1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) = Web server

(2) SA-MP server on Ubuntu or Debian

(3) RCON password

(4) SSH access to samp-server directory


The configuration file is very simple to change. Just read this chapter to understand the function of each parameter.

There are four main flags where enabled = 1 and disabled = 0.

  • ShowRCON is a flag used to show the RCON password of the sa-mp server in the information area.

  • EnableRCON activates the following features:

    • Kick / Ban players
    • Message
    • Stop server
  • EnableSSH activates the following features:

    • View / Reset server logs
    • Start server
  • EnableSRCPassword is used to enable / disable password protected area for this console.

[IMPORTANT] It is strongly recommended to disable EnableSRCPassword only if BOTH EnableSSH and EnableRCON are disabled, since the entire console would be visible to guests.

Then, there also seven more fields used to define core parameters:

  • SRC_PASSWORD (Server Remote Console Password) is the password used for the protected area.
  • IP_SERVER is the IP of the target server.
  • PORT_SERVER is the port of the target server (default sa-mp port: 7777).
  • RCON_PASSWORD is the RCON password used in the target server.
  • SERVER_SSH_USER and SERVER_SSH_PSW are the user credentials to access via SSH the sa-mp server folder.
  • SERVER_SSH_PATH is the path of the sa-mp installation in the server.

To localize the server Path, login with your SSH user credentials and move with cd through folders till you find the samp03 (or similar) folder. Do not forget to add a slash ( / ) at the end.

User credentials must have permissions to start the server and open (cat) / remove (rm) files.

Do not use ROOT credentials.