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Mariano Sciacco edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 3 revisions
  • Easy configuration
  • No mysql database needed
  • Different types of configurations and personalization
  • [NEW] Easy and Quick Installation Wizard
  • [NEW] Guest page with server status and small players' list
  • [NEW] Status tracker with built-in exclusive bulletins
  • [NEW] Status bar with last 7/14/21/30 days bulletins
  • [NEW] Bulletins management (add/edit/delete/list)
  • Password protected area
  • Anti-spam protection for the login area
  • Simple Server Start (via SSH)
  • Simple Server Stop & Hard Stop (via RCON and SSH)
  • Restart / Next gamemode (via RCON)
  • Possibility to send several RCON commands directly from the Web
  • [NEW] View server bans and configuration
  • Direct access to server_logs.txt and quick reset (via SSH)
  • Advanced information panel about the server
  • Advanced player's list (with score, username, id and ping) and kick/ban options (via RCON)
  • [NEW] Emergency Block mode, in case of password theft
  • Bootstrap 4.0 coding and font-awesome icons
  • [NEW] Mobile & Desktop version

Features may be added in the future. Stay tuned.

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