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Mariano Sciacco edited this page May 7, 2018 · 9 revisions

  • Q: How do I restart the installation process?
  • A: Just remove the installed.lock file from your website root folder and the installation will restart immediatly. The bulletins won't be deleted / changed.

  • Q: How do I change my SRC password / SSH access / Show RCON feature?
  • A: Restart the installation process, follow the previous answer.

  • Q: I forgot the SRC password. What should I do to recover it?
  • A: Restart the installation process.

  • Q: RCON commands are not working. What should I do?
  • A: Make sure you inserted the correct RCON password. If not, restart the installation process.

  • Q: I've just clicked "Activate Block Mode". What is that and how do I reactivate my console?
  • A: The Emergency Block Mode is a simple feature that preserves your board from intruders' access. In facts, the console will be unreachable and any access will be blocked. Meanwhile, guests will enjoy a minigame untill you remove the emergency.lock file from your website root folder and the console will restart immediatly. Make sure to change your SRC password by restarting the installation process.

  • Q: I'm using SSH keys in my VPS as default SSH authentication. What should I do to enable the SSH access to my machine from the SRC?
  • A: Basically, since implementing SSH keys in the SRC would be a long work and not completely safe, there's an easy alternative:
  1. Firstly, go to ./etc/ssh/ in your VPS
  2. Then, edit the file typing $ nano sshd_config
  3. Search for # Authentication lines, where you should find something like this:
PasswordAuthentication no
PubkeyAuthentication yes
RSAAuthentication yes

If your configuration matches, at the end of the file (after all the global settings) add this part:

Match User your_username Address your_server_ip_address
    PasswordAuthentication yes
  1. Finally type $ sudo service ssh restart. If it doesn't print anything, you finished! Otherwise, in case of error re-edit the file and restart the process again.

This rule will allow your server to accept a normal SSH authentication from a specific user with the matching IP. Due to static IP addresses for web hostings, it is pretty simple to add this rule just once.

Warning: make sure to use the correct IP and not IP's from Cloudflare or masked IP.

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