Product Service API (There are JavaDoc in many classes)
Before using:
- create database with name product_servlet_jsp
- create script to create some tables and necessary data for this example
-- Create table
create table USER_ACCOUNT
USER_NAME VARCHAR(30) not null,
GENDER VARCHAR(1) not null,
PASSWORD VARCHAR(30) not null,
primary key (USER_NAME)
-- Create table
create table PRODUCT
CODE VARCHAR(20) not null,
NAME VARCHAR(128) not null,
PRICE FLOAT not null,
primary key (CODE)
) ;
-- Insert data: ---------------------------------------------------------------
insert into user_account (USER_NAME, GENDER, PASSWORD)
values ('user1', 'M', 'user001');
insert into user_account (USER_NAME, GENDER, PASSWORD)
values ('user2', 'M', 'user002');
insert into product (CODE, NAME, PRICE)
values ('P001', 'Java Core', 100);
insert into product (CODE, NAME, PRICE)
values ('P002', 'C# Core', 90);