(to be applied to any .txt file)
- Add new text to the end of the file
- Display the content of the file
- Empty the file
- Encrypt the file content
- Decrypt the file content
- Merge another file
- Count the number of words in the file
- Count the number of characters in the file
- Count the number of lines in the file
- Search for a word in the file
- Count the number of times a word exists in the file
- Turn the file content to upper case
- Turn the file content to lower case
- Turn file content to 1st caps (1st char of each word is capital)
- Save
- Exit
- "CS112-203-2nd-S25-20210508-20210544-20210563-A4-TextEditorApp.cpp" is the main file
- "CS112-203-2nd-S25-20210508-20210544-20210563-A4-TextEditorFunctions.cpp" is the source code (includes functions' & classes' definitions..)
- "CS112-203-2nd-S25-20210508-20210544-20210563-A4-TextEditorFunctions.h" is the header file (prototypes..)