I wasn't actually expecting to finish this project, but I did it. As you can see this isn't that different from the many other CHIP-8 interpreters.
I suggest you make a new virtual enviorment and install the dependencies using pip and the requirments.txt file.
$ virtualenv -p python3 Chipy38
$ git clone https://github.com/MeArio/Chipy38.git
$ cd Chipy38
$ source bin/activate
(Chipy38) pip install -r requirments.txt
I didn't test it on any other operating systems, but it should work and the installation should be similar.
Basic Usage:
python main.py rom_file
Optional arguments:
-t int (adds a delay between each instruction default is 1)
-d (opens the rudimentary debugger "p" to unpause and "f" to step)
-s int (sets the scale of the window default is 10)
The config.py file is scarce and only has 4 properties:
keys (Dict) is the key map
timers_delay (Int) is the delay at which the timers get decremented
shift_quirk (Bool) makes the interpreter use the bitwise shift definition from Mastering CHIP-8 by Matthew Mikolay
load_quirk (Bool) makes the interpreter use the Fx55 and Fx65 definition from Mastering CHIP-8 by Matthew Mikolay
Cowgod's Chip-8 Tehnical Reference (The docstrings for the opcodes are copy and pasted from there)
This was an intereseting project, but I recommand to anyone that wants to undertake it to prioritise Mastering the CHIP-8 as documentation over Cowgod's reference.
This repository uses the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2017 Dovleac Dorin