CLI script to repack external audio-track into mkv container for every video files in directory.
I write it for myself, to have more comfort with some anime.
By default script create new directory, "repacked", you can change name with options -o
By default script wipe out all audio tracks from source container, you can keep it with --keep_audio
I need fast solution to batch repack mkv with external audio track when CLI DONT CARE about filenames at all.
In other words, you MAY repack containers named '01-my-cool-anime.mkv' and '02-my-another-cool-anime.mkv' with new audio-tracks '001-russ-audio.mp3' and '002-audio.mp3'. As result you are got correct new containers while containers and audio tracks placed properly. CLI use naive 'sort' function, remember that.
Usage: audio_repacker.rb [OPTIONS] AUDIO_DIR
Specific options:
-v, --video [VIDEO_DIR] Select directory where video files will be coded
-o, --output [OUTPUT_DIR] Select output directory
--keep_audio Do not wipe out audio tracks from source container
Common options:
-h, --help Show this message
--version Show version
audio_repacker.rb ./sound_dir/
You MUST have some number of video and audiofiles, or script return error.