This class retrieves Jackrabbit class listings and returns them in an easier to handle format for displaying the listings on a website.
Initialize the class by passing the Organization ID as a parameter in the constructor:
$jr = new MeisamMulla\Jackrabbit('123456');
Then use the query()
method to get the resuts of your requests. The method accepts an array of parameters which can be found in the JackRabbit documentation.
As an example:
$jr = new MeisamMulla\Jackrabbit('123456');
$json = $jr->query([
'Session' => '2018/19',
'loc' => 'LOC1',
'cat1' => 'Ballet',
Will return an output similar to this one:
"name":"Duo Ballet",
"description":"All Ballet Duo Students",
"location":"Studio Location",
"ages":"5 - 16",
"dates":"Jan 1st-Jun 1st"
The results will be cached in the dance-cache
directory for 5 minutes by default. You can modify this behaviour by changing the $cacheTime
property in the class. This value can be written in human readable english (ex. -30 minutes
for a cache time of 30 minutes).