So. 1st real Game Boy game. Let's go! NB: some of the doc or ressources are in French, but the game and the code are in English.
To lauch: !macOS ok, linux maybe
git clone
cd 'to-the-directory'
And you can launch the .gb with your favorite Gameboy emulator!
To delete the binaries, utiles files, etc:
make clean
To delete all, including the
make fclean
Deployed for the web thanks to Chris Maltby and his fantastic GB Studio
Tuto to gbdk-n videos in French by @flozz and Studio Renegade
Playlist of tutorials in English to learn how to use GBDK and create a GameBoy game.
Tool to convert images to tilesets/sprites: img2gb by @flozz
Open source tilesets, tilemaps, sprites, etc: Open Game Art
Pokemon tileset: The Spriters ressources, The Cutting Room Floor
To create pixel art (maps, backgrounds, sprites, etc):
- tutorials, ressources and online pixel art editor;
An other emulator in js, online
An other emulator online, with the possibility to have original green GB screen
Early GameBoy