New Evolution Freeroam SA-MP Server
Fixed bullet information textdraw for admins.
Added network statistics to spec textdraw for admins.
Added a new ban page to lookup specific players.
Bans now include serverside information; to be used in ban appeals.
Bans are now only valid if collected proof matches serverside information saved within the ban.
Build 36-4 (Winter Edition)
Set Streamer to it's default tick rate.
You no longer get a pm sound when being AFK.
Fixed /nstats showing wrong ip address.
Fixed SUSPECT_FAKE_PACKETS false positives.
Script optimizations to reduce unnecessary overhead.
Build 36-3 (Winter Edition)
Script optimizations to reduce unnecessary overhead.
Removed warp sound from teleports.
Fixed CnR bug showing wrong store names.
Build 36-2 (Winter Edition)
Added sanity checks in some callbacks.
Added performance profiler.
Added ban page which contains all information about a specific ban. ( )
Build 36 (Winter Edition)
Enabled Winter Edition, join at /xmas :)
Added milkshake cows to /xmas. Waiting to be ridden!
Added new gang page, showing all information about a certain gang. Example: as originally suggested by vEonz.
Added new tools for admins to catch cheaters.
Fixed TDM bug where you don't get any score.
Fixed dialog bug in custom car shops.
Fixed audiostreams in /radio and at dynamic places.
Fixed PayDay bugs; new rules applied.
Fixed /t dialog bug.
Fixed death delay exploit in minigames (Report by chocolaterain).
/admins now requires 100 score to view.
Global streamer update set to 40ms for more fluid streaming.
Fixed audiostreams in /radio.
Fixed interest system generating wrong values.
Improved /mute to work without timers.
Updated to SA-MP 0.3z R4 server.
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