todo-organizer is a program to organize your todo-lists. It is written in python and is optimized to be used within kubernetes.
A helm chart can be found in the helm directory. Before installing it the dependencies need to be build, this can be done with helm dependencies build
, after that the chart can be installed with helm upgrade --install <insert_name> .
. For available settings-option please consult the values.yaml file.
When running on docker you have to handle the database setup yourself.
To set the connection string you have to set env-var DB_CONNECTION_STRING
. It is recommended to use a separate database, e.g. postgres.
However to use a local sqlite database you set it to
If you use a database inside the docker container ensure to mount it in a volume to preserve its data.
In addition to provide the connection string you also have to handle the upgrade/initialization of the tables. This is done by executing the following command
alembic upgrade head
Here is an example docker compose file that does all of the above:
image: ""
- ./database.sqlite:/database.sqlite
- DB_CONNECTION_STRING=sqlite+pysqlite:///database.sqlite
- /bin/sh
- -c
- |
alembic upgrade head
streamlit run --server.port=8080 --server.address=
- 8080:8080
When using this docker-compose file, the todo-organizer service can be reached at localhost:8080
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.