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A standalone installer for WsReborn from, you can use this instead of their loader, also works from their API and autoupdates itself

Password is mh

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Hotkeys: Menu : Left Shift - F1

  • How to use *
  • Run WsReborn installer
  • Select WSReborn and load
  • Enter game and wait ur champion
  • Press enter key when game loaded.

Nasıl Kullanılır *UI Loaderi Çalıştırın *WSRebornu seçip yükle butonuna basın *Oyuna girdikten sonra enter tuşuna basıp yükleyin.

[!] OrbWalker Stuck [FREEZE] Problem Solution: make sure your fps and ping counter is on - with ctrl + f fps ve ping göstergesi açık olduğundan emin olun.

Supported champions Aphelios,Irelia,Ezreal,Jinx,Caitlyn,Blitzcrank,Lulu,Ashe,Kaisa,KogMaw,Soraka,Viego,Aatrox,Ahri,Amumu,Annie,Brand,Cassiopeia,Corki,Darius,Diana,Draven,DrMundo,Evelynn,Fiora,Graves,Illaoi,JarvanIV,Jax,Jayce,Jhin,Kalista,Karma,Karthus,Kassadin,Katarina,Kayle,Kennen,Khazix,Kindred,Kled,LeeSin,Lissandra,Lucian,Lux,MasterYi,MissFortune,Mordekaiser,Morgana,Nami,Nasus,Nautilus,Neeko,Nocturne,Olaf,Orianna,Pantheon,Pyke,Quinn,Renekton,Rengar,Riven,Ryze,Sivir,Sylas,Syndra,Talon,Thresh,Tristana,TwistedFate,Twitch,Urgot,Varus,Vayne,Veigar,Velkoz,Viktor,Volibear,Xerath,XinZhao,Zilean,Zyra,Senna,Samira,Yasuo,Yone,Xayah,Akali,Sett,Sion,Rell,Zed,Qiyana,Elise,Gwen,Garen,Anivia,Shaco,Yuumi,Camille,Janna,Akshan,Leblanc,Kayn,Ziggs,Yorick,Zoe,Gangplank,Vex,Zeri,Swain,Renata,Warwick,Nilah,Taliyah,Hecarim,Lillia,Belveth,Azir

[Features] Perfect Predictions - WindPred - HPred (guess what xD) Customizable Target Selector Customizable Antigapcloser Customizable Interrupter Orbwalker Perfect last hit & laneclear & kite Activator Awareness Full Customizable Evade 120+ Built-in Champion Script - (Including Viego,Sylas) With logics.

-Target Selector *Configurable weights *Multiple modes : Least attacks, least spells,closest,near mouse,most ad,most ap,min armor,min mr , lowest health, most priority *Forced target selection with left mouse button. *Selected target with glow color. *Active target with glow color.

-Orbwalker *Perfect kite and smart windup times auto adjusted with your ingame ping (latency) *Multiple circle drawing modes, Semi circle,clipped circle,regular *Minion health bars with last hit indicator. *Modes : Last hit,lane clear,harass,combo *Detects yasuo wall and tryndamere ult jax e and more invulnerable heroes and stops attacking them.

-Evade 2.0 *Includes almost all of the dodgeable spells on the game. *Smooth dodges you won't get called during games. *Customizable danger levels *Supports ultimate spellbook game mode. *Supported spell types : Circular,Rectangular,Arc,Cone *Has option to turn off evade under enemy tower *Has option to enable dodge only cc spells. *It will try to avoid spells on your path and move around them. *Supports most of the spell usages like Lucian E , Yasuo E for auto dodge.

-Awareness *Zoom Manager (SAFE !) *Surrender Tracker (Tracks allies surrender votes) *Connection Tracker (Tracks enemy connection info (disconnected,loading,ingame)) < wsr owns me and all xD *Fog jungle tracker - detects enemy jungler spells on FOW if they cast spell. *Last position tracker - with glow and minimap. *Fog jungle respawn timer - tracks camps respawn timer even with fog of war. *Jungle alerter Gromp - red - blue - wolves - razor - crab , alerts when its killed. *Recall tracker - (working on 13.1) *Teleport tracker - alerts you when enemy teleports on map. *Inhibitor respawn timer tracker. *Cooldown tracker - D-F- Q-W-E-R *Dash tracker shows last dash position of enemy. *Ward tracker shows cooldown of wards and shows vision range of it. *Gank alerter - alerts you when enemy jungler closes with lines. *Hud shows enemy spells on your screen. *Waypoint tracker shows you enemy path with lines. *Baron , dragon, herald tracker allows you to see if enemy attacks any of them. *Proview allows you to see some special spells like zhonyas ring, with cooldowns.

-Activator *Skinchanger allows you to change your skins (high risk don't recommend on your main cuz it flags you. if u get too much report you will get banned eventually with this.) *Minion block - blocks minion movement close to you. *Ward helper shows you perfect ward spots and auto places with a key. -Defensive *Auto zhonyas ring with incoming damage calculations. *Auto locket of solari *Auto Randuin omen *Auto redemption -Offensive *Evefrost with antigapcloser logic *Galeforce *Goredrinker *Hextechprotobelt *Ironspikewhip *Prowlers claw *Stride breaker *Youmuus ghostblade *Auto potions *Auto lantern *Auto ignite exhaust - cleanse - heal - barrier *Auto cleanse QSS - Mikael *Auto smite *Base ult (working on 13.1)

Prediction *Waypoint analysis *Dash prediction


Bonus 2 Yıllık Maceralar

Yuksek elo kanka yuksekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

some pred issues xD gelistirme asamasında olan seyler

some evade issues xD gelistirme asamasinda

banyo yapak mi overrated


A standalone installer for WsReborn from, you can use this instead of their loader, also works from their API and autoupdates itself







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