Code for master thesis
For running the code the following libraries are required:
Depending on the format of the trajectory file a topology file has to be provided! Available features:
- Coordinates of all atoms
- Coordinates of C-alpha atoms
- Backbone torsions
- Minimal distance between residues
- Solvent accessible surface area (SASA)
- Dihedral angles between the chi1 - chi5 dihedral
from feature_selection import FeatureSelector
trajectory = 'path/to/trajectory_file'
topology = 'path/to/topology_file'
feature_selector = FeatureSelector(trajectory, topology)
feature = feature_selector.get_backbone_torsions()
from moscito import MOSCITO
moscito = MOSCITO()
affinity = moscito.fit_predict(feature)
from sklearn.cluster import SpectralClustering
num_clusters = 10
sc = SpectralClustering(num_clusters, affinity='precomputed')
labels = sc.fit_predict(affinity)
from visualization.visualize_clustering import show_clustering