A repository containing code which shows how bluetooth devices are conncected, paired, how files are shared, what are bluetooth profiles. And the major point, what is the role of Object oriented programming in bluetooth
This code is in language C++
The program shows how bluetooth devices are connected, without using socket programming, it shows how files are shared using principles of OOP.
In this program, various OOP principles are used. Namely Encapsulation, Abstraction, Data hiding, Classes, Inheritance and Polymorphism
This code shows the immense use of OOP concepts, helps to understand how devices work
- How Bluetooth profiles work and what are they?
- How files are shared?
- How pairing is done?
- What is MAC address and how does it help in connecting devices?
- And many
- Knowledge of Basics of CPP
- OOPS concepts
- Basic Data strcutures
- Idea of how bluetooth devices work
This code was compiled on Turbo C++. The code may run differently in different environments.