HD engine is a script for calculation of single, composite and multiple human design features in python.
- Basic values from planetary positions
- longitude
- gate
- line
- color
- tone
- base
- profile
- inner authority
- typ
- active chakras
- active channels
- split
- variables
- composite channels
- composite chakras
Based on a list of birth times, for each birth time all single features are calculated
import hd_features as hd
import hd_constants
#examples for birth time format
zone = 'Europe/Berlin'
birth_time= 1876,1,5,10,2,4 #konrad adenauer
zone = 'Asia/Shanghai'
birth_time= 1935,7,6,4,48,0 #dalai lama
#automatic timezone(tz) offset calculation (for all avl. timezones see pytz.all_timezones)
hours = hd.get_utc_offset_from_tz(birth_time,zone)
##manual time_zone offset calculation
timestamp = tuple(list(birth_time) + [hours])
single_result = hd.calc_single_hd_features(timestamp,report=True,channel_meaning=True)
hours=2 #time_zone offset
#define persons you want to combine
persons_dict = {"1":(1990,1,30,1,2,0,hours),
#composite channels and chakras
#full view, with readable meanings
#composite gates matching penta
start_date = 1781-30,1,1,1,1
end_date = 2027+30, 12, 31,23,1
percentage = 1 #percentage of processed list (1=100%,0=0%)
time_unit = "days" #years,months,days,hours,minutes are supported
intervall = 10 #every X unit, note gates changing every ~5 days, lines every 0.9 day
num_cpu = 6
result,timestamp_list = hd.calc_mult_hd_features(
result_lists = hd.unpack_mult_features(result,full=True) #lists are structured as dict
#Example for simple "Typ"-distribution
typ_dist = pd.Series(result_lists["typ_list"]).value_counts()/len(result_lists["typ_list"])