Emr and Spark application
- Both inputFiles (historical_stock_prices and historical_stocks) are stored in a S3 bucket called s3://home-laboratory/analitico/data/
- To generare .jar file, it must run ./compile.sh file in a server with sbt already isntalled
- Move the .jar file generated to s3://home-laboratory/analitico/jars/
- Using Aws Cloudformation service (in Virgina region) create a new stack where the templates are placed in s3://home-laboratory/analitico/templates/ where the main template is main.yaml
- The Cloudformation template will create an VPC with Private/Public subnet, security groups, roles, EMR Cluster (a master and a worker node) and EMR Step, which will run the .jar file, aftter the execution the EMR cluster is deteled.